Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Social Comparison Theory free essay sample
Acquaintance Individuals tend with separate altogether in states of how they watch and evaluate their characters capacities. There are people who watch themselves all the more decidedly and those all the more all things considered. Exploration has shown that an individual having an improved perspective on one’s self-idea through social correlation will in general lead to very ideal results. Social Comparison Theory The hypothesis that I had decided to talk about and research about would happen to be the Social Comparison Theory. In this hypothesis, it basically attests that the procedure wherein individuals find out about themselves by contrasting themselves with different citizenry. Furthermore, it has been expected that people contain a longing to look at their own feelings and capacities. This can be seen through correlation by means of physical reality or by through others. In any case, through investigations it had been presumed that people were accepted to in regularity have an inclination of contrasting others which were comparative with themselves. Besides, (Kruglanski Mayseless, 1990) reports that there is a three-level investigation of social correlation. The primary level, which is the most all inclusive is a critical procedure implying that social correlations as decisions should be altogether prepared. The subsequent level, which is less all inclusive archives that social correlation as gathering, designates a particular kind of judgment structure. The third and last level, which the least all inclusive identifies with the specific substance of a predetermined correlation. In addition, it very well may be noticed that there are three types of social correlations: first being that people will in general limit examinations (Brickman Bullman, 1977). Second structure being upward social examination where an individual is looking at him/herself to another individual better then them, in which rouses them to work more earnestly and perform better so as to contact that specific people level. In conclusion, third structure being descending social examination where an individual is looking at him/herself to another individual more awful off. Compromising one’s self-idea, people will in general have an inclination to look at him/herself with people they perceive as more terrible off then them. Because of this, increment in abstract prosperity tends to happen in light of the fact that descending social correlation appears to upgrade self-idea and limit nervousness (Gibbons, 1986). Occasion In request to comprehend social correlation hypothesis better, I will raise an occasion that identifies with it. I was chipping in at the Chicago Rehab Institute a year back and a patient I was working with had been analyzed as paraplegia because of a mishap. I recall one day, he was referencing to me that to adapt better to his condition, he contrasted himself with his flat mate who was far more awful off then he was in the sense his flat mate had ALS. This outlines descending social correlation. Another occasion, yet shows upward social examination happens with my sibling. At the point when he was in secondary school, he was on the track group and he was running the 400 meters. After he had completed the race at the state rivalry, he had contrasted his score with that of the secondary school state record for the 400 meters. Article what's more, to comprehend this hypothesis far and away superior, it very well may be identified with an experimental article I had discovered, which fundamentally talks about social correlation in regular daily existence. In the article, the writer subtleties another mechanical assembly for understudies to record their social examination techniques. This new device is known as the Rochester Social Comparison Record. It had been discovered that 1) the course of examination contrasted with the relationship related to the objective; 2) pre-correlation state of mind had prompted an expansion in upward contrasted with descending correlation; 3) descending examination had expanded abstract prosperity, while upward correlation had diminished it; and 4) high confidence people partook in increasingly social examinations. Besides, the creators had finished up three critical discoveries. To begin with, related examination will in general be typical with dear fellowship, while non-related correlations will in general be ordinary with distal kinship. Second finding is that examination target will be between associated to pre-correlation influence. For instance, if an individual is encountering a descending examination, it is a low-abstract prosperity while if an individual is encountering an upward correlation, it is a high-emotional prosperity. Third finding is that descending examination will enormously have an effect on abstract prosperity, while upward correlation doubtlessly will be coordinated to negative full of feeling responses. The last finding that the creators had found is that confidence and the objective of examination is profoundly associated to one another separately. Taking a gander at descending correlation, people that show low confidence when their confidence is in risk will relate in a descending winding. In like manner, with upward correlation, people that show a constructive confidence when their confidence has fundamentally expanded, will relate in an upward winding. End Recommendations It can be noted from the article, occasions, and hypothesis that their related and associated as it were. Every one of the three show that inside social correlation, individuals will in general contrast themselves as well as other people when they come up short on the capacity to evaluate their conclusions and capacities all alone. Also, every one of the three display a connection that there are two kinds of examinations inside social correlation. First being upward social correlation, where an individual looks at him/herself with that of another person who is in an ideal situation. Second being descending social correlation, when an individual looks at him/herself with that of another person who is lesser off. Moreover, from the article I had discovered constraints are consistently present in any examination. The subjects used in the investigation were transcendently first semester green bean and was a class necessity, so rather than really mirroring their convictions for scientists to see, they could have recently not been honest just to get through the class. Also, a greater number of ladies than men had been in investment all through the investigation and this could have affected the general discoveries and end to how social correlation is utilized in regular daily existence. Ultimately, correlations tend well on the way to be downplayed thus with this, it was considered that few out of every odd individual had detailed each occurrence of social examination. Finishing up, it tends to be seen that individuals hold an inclination for self-assessment and that people want to gauge their sentiments and get a few thoughts of how talented they are. This is the reason social examination hypothesis is an essential piece of how individuals approach their lives regular.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Asian Paints Hr Strategy Free Essays
ASIAN PAINTS LIMITED CODE OF CONDUCT FOR EMPLOYEES Page 1 of 11 Asian Paints †Confidential 14 January 2011 1. Presentation Asian Paints Limited (the Company) is focused on acceptable corporate administration and has reliably kept up its hierarchical culture as an amazing conversion of elevated expectations of Professionalism, Growth, and Building Shareholder Equity with standards of Fairness, Ethics and Corporate Governance in soul. 2. We will compose a custom exposition test on Asian Paints Hr Strategy or then again any comparative subject just for you Request Now Appropriateness OF THIS CODE Ethical business lead is basic to our business. As an association, we have taken it upon us to set out this Code of Conduct for every one of our workers to maintain our pledge to moral lead. All the representatives of the Company and the workers of its auxiliaries are hence, expected to peruse and comprehend this Code, maintain these guidelines in everyday exercises, and consent to: every material law; rules and guidelines; and every pertinent arrangement and techniques embraced by the Company that administer the direct of its representatives and to guarantee that the different partners of the Company know, comprehend and agree to these measures. Nothing in this Code or in any related correspondences (verbal or composed) thereto will establish or be understood to comprise an agreement of work for an unmistakable term or an assurance of affirmed business. All the workers of the Company will insist consistence with the code on a yearly premise. 3. Fair AND ETHICAL CONDUCT The Company anticipates that all the representatives should act as per the best expectations of individual and expert respectability, trustworthiness and moral direct, at whatever point the Company’s business is being led or at wherever where such workers are speaking to the Company. The Company believes legit lead to be direct that is liberated from extortion or duplicity. The Company believes moral direct to be lead adjusting to the acknowledged proficient norms of lead. Moral lead incorporates moral treatment of real or clear irreconcilable circumstances among individual and expert connections. Page 2 of 11 Asian Paints †Confidential 14 January 2011 4. RELATIONSHIP WITH THE COMPANY Conflict of Interest The representatives of the Company will not for the most part participate in any business, relationship or action which may adversely struggle with the enthusiasm of the Company or any of its auxiliaries. The fundamental zones of genuine or potential irreconcilable situations would incorporate the accompanying: †¢ Financial enthusiasm of workers or his family members, remembering the holding of a speculation for the bought in share capital of any organization or an offer in any firm which is a real or potential contender, provider, client, merchant, joint endeavor or other collusion accomplice of the Company. (The responsibility for to 1 percent of the bought in share capital of a freely held organization will not commonly comprise a money related enthusiasm for this reason. ) †¢ A worker of the Company directing business for the benefit of their ompany, or being in a situation to impact a choice as to their company’s business with a provider or client of which their relative is a head, official or delegate, bringing about an advantage to him/her or his/her family member. Despite that such or different occasions of irreconcilable circumstance exist because of any reco rded reasons, sufficient and total honesty by the intrigued representatives ought to be made to the Vice President †Human Resources before any business adding up to a genuine or potential irreconcilable circumstance is led. It is likewise officeholder upon each representative to make a total honesty of any intrigue which the workers or his/her close family members, (which would incorporate guardians, life partner and ward kids) may have in an organization or firm which is a provider, client, merchant or has different professional interactions with the Company before any business is led with such a provider, client, wholesaler or business partner. Each such exposure as referenced above will be done recorded as a hard copy and will be submitted to the Vice President †Human Resources, who in conference with the Company Secretary/Compliance Officer and the Managing Director CEO, will convey to the concerned representative to make essential move, as exhorted, to determine/maintain a strategic distance from the contention, assuming any. Any employee’s obligation to the Company requests that the person in question by and large maintains a strategic distance from irreconcilable situations. On the off chance that an irreconcilable circumstance exists, the Company requests that he/she uncovers genuine and clear irreconcilable situations in the previously mentioned way. It is an irreconcilable circumstance to fill in as an executive of any Company that contends with the Company. The Company’s approach necessitates that a worker get earlier endorsement from the Board of Directors and the Company’s Audit Committee before tolerating such a directorship. Counteraction of Fraud Policy: This approach applies to any abnormality, or suspected anomaly, including workers just as sellers, contractual workers, clients and additionally some other substances having a business relationship with the Company. The term extortion involves the utilization of Page 3 of 11 Asian Paints †Confidential 14 January 2011 misdirection with the goal of increasing a preferred position, staying away from a commitment or causing misfortune or can possibly make misfortune the organization by at least one people viz. the executives, workers or outsiders. Misrepresentation may incorporate such goes about as duplicity, pay off, falsification, coercion, debasement, robbery, connivance, theft, misappropriation, bogus portrayal, spillage of classified and delicate data relating to the organization, covering of material realities and conspiracy. Any demonstration of extortion or defilement in or against the Company or any abetment to such misrepresentation/debasement won't go on without serious consequences. All workers are required to report cheats and doubts of misrepresentation. Knowing or wilful inability to report any such issue will be understood as conspiracy and may welcome disciplinary activity. All representatives are likewise required to assume the liability of distinguishing and forestalling extortion in their territories of work and co-work completely in the inner checks and examination of fakes. The Prevention of Fraud arrangement is accessible on Egloo at My HR Applications †HR Helpdesk. Getting and Giving Gifts and Favors: All representatives (counting their close relative) will not acknowledge or give a blessing or favor of any nature from any provider, merchant, seller, temporary worker, client, contender or any business partner. This forbiddance doesn't have any significant bearing to routine two path trade of typical business civilities, which may sensibly be relied upon to be traded in the conventional course of business. These civilities incorporate business lunch/supper and trade of organization journals and schedules, pens with organization logo and so forth that are not rich at all. In the event that a blessing is coincidentally gotten it ought to be expeditiously come back with a gracious note clarifying that it is in opposition to the Company approach. Any kindness which is unintentionally gotten or stretched out is to be brought to the notification of the Vice President †Human Resources right away. If there should be an occurrence of any kindness being gotten or reached out with regards to a crisis (e. g. health related crisis), the occasion of such some help being gotten or stretched out is to be brought to the notification of the revealing supervisor by the representative. A roundabout on strategy in regards to blessings has just been given to all workers by Human Resources Department. The strategy is accessible on Egloo at My HR Applications †HR Helpdesk. All workers will fit in with the blessing strategy of the Company. Corporate Opportunities: The workers may not abuse for their very own benefit openings that are found using corporate property, data or position, except if the open door is revealed completely recorded as a hard copy in the way as recommended under this arrangement. Enlistment of Relatives: Employees are restricted from impacting the employing/enrollment of their family members in any situation with or without compensation in the association. In case of any relative looking for a chance to be utilized with the association, the concerned worker will educate the Vice President †Human Resources. The enrollment will be done according to the principles set down in that by the Company in conformance with the gauges set for enlistment of workers in the Company. Page 4 of 11 Asian Paints †Confidential 14 January 2011 Local Rules and Regulations: Employees are required to keep all the principles and guidelines set down at their separate work environments with respect to train, work environment timings, clothing standard, and so on. These standards and guidelines are made accessible to the workers at their particular areas. Different Situations: It would be unreasonable to endeavor to list every single imaginable circumstance. On the off chance that a proposed exchange or circumstance brings up any issues or questions they should be settled after meeting with the Vice President †Human Resources. 5. Wellbeing, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT The Company will endeavor to give a protected and solid workplace and go along, in the lead of its business issues, with all guidelines in regards to the conservation of the earth of the region it works in. The Company will be resolved to forestall the inefficient utilization of common assets and limit any risky effect of the turn of events, creation, use and removal of any of its items and administrations on the natural condition. Organization approach denies lewd behavior, badgering dependent on race, religion, national inception, ethnic birthplace, shading, sex, age, citizenship, veteran status conjugal status or an inability irrelevant to the necessities of the position or some other premise ensured by the ce
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Book Riots Deals of the Day for September 21st, 2019
Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for September 21st, 2019 Sponsored by The Hanged Man and the Fortune Teller by Lucy Banks. These deals were active as of this writing, but may expire soon, so get them while they’re hot! Todays Featured Deals The Eye of the Heron by Ursula K. Le Guin for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. After the Funeral by Agatha Christie for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Instant Pot Fast Easy: 100 Simple and Delicious Recipes for Your Instant Pot by Urvashi Pitre for $2.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. In Case You Missed Yesterdays Most Popular Deals Bibliophile: An Illustrated Miscellany by Jane Mount for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Viscera by Gabriel Squailia for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. 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Friday, May 22, 2020
Cyber Bullying A Study of Long Term Effects on Adolescent...
Introduction: Cyber bullying is a topic that has been researched many times. As technology changes, it is important that research is kept up to date on how victimization can affect present and future psychosocial adjustment issues. Cyber bullying is defined as victimization that intends to harm another through electronic means, where individuals can harm without physical interaction. (Tokunaga, 2010). Cyber bullying requires little planning and there is little chance of being caught. It is important to realize that as adolescents are becoming more in tune with technology, they are engaged in many more activities that are online based, therefore spending more time online. (Tokunaga, 2010). Cyber bullying has recently come to the fore†¦show more content†¦A study conducted by Patchin Hinduja, (2007) conducted an online study which concluded that those who were victims of cyber bullying experienced academic problems and an increase in delinquent behaviour (Patchin Hinduja, 2007). Delinquent behaviour can also extend as a consequence of harassment offline (Ferdon Hertz, 2007; Ybarra et al, 2006). There are also other areas in the field of cyber bullying research that require further examination. An important question to focus on is whether these effects can generalize to other types of victimization, and if these effects persist years after being victimized. The main independent variables that will be examined are face to face bullying, also known as direct bullying, and indirect bullying, which is bullying through spreading rumours and information to others who then continue the cycle. These variables were chosen as alternative types of victimization to determine if the effects of cyber bullying generalize to these types of victimization. The outcome variables are the follow up psychosocial consequences of bullying such as suicide, helplessness, academic problems, delinquency and depression. It is impossible to determine cause and effect in studies related to cyber bullying, as it is unethical to determine the effects through experimentation. Therefore, this study will be a longitudinal study that will determine correlation. This paper will focusShow MoreRelatedThe Social Problem Of Peer Pressure1659 Words  | 7 Pagesresearch will encompass Symbolic Interaction Sociological Perspective. I will be addressing one of the many social problems that many adolescent males undergo. I will be addressing and highlighting adolescence males living in Los Angeles, California who are peer pressured into bullying by their peers and conforming to peer pressure that leads to Cyber-bullying and Cyber-crimes. Bullies are misinterpreted as perpetrators; however, they were at some point victims too and created due to lack of socialRead MoreCyber Bullying And Its Effects On Its Victims1651 Words  | 7 Pagesin it, especially cyber bullying. With the rise in the use of technology, digital culture and anonymity, cyber bullying has become a prominent issue that can have negative psychological effects on its victims through the power of these technological advances. This new 21st century term is derived from standard phy sical bullying has become a prominent and revolving issue as cellphone, texting and social media sites take away one’s privacy by causing harmful psychological effects on its victims (SiegelRead MoreCyber Bullying : A Consistent Problem For Young People Attending School1383 Words  | 6 PagesCyber-Bullying For decades, physical bullying has been a consistent problem for young people attending school. Yet the growth of the Internet has redefined how students pick on one another. Cyber-bullying has become one of the most difficult issues to resolve in our society. Cyber-bullying can come in many forms. Cyber harassment, for example, refers to repeated hurtful emails, text messages or instant messages. 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These risks come in the form of cyber bullying and targets a generation that is on average aged 12-18 years old and who uses the internet about 13.3 hours a week (Kowalski 2008: 4). Description of the problem Cyber bullying is a new form of bullying in which technology is used as a tool to bully someone from a device, most commonly via
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Example Apa Research Paper
Unbiased Report Exposes the Unanswered Questions on Example Apa Research Paper Type of Example Apa Research Paper If your instructor provides you with the APA guidelines then excellent for you. You can also see course outline. You can also see program outline. You might also see biography outline. Normally a bibliography just contains references information, but in some instances, you might choose to make an annotated bibliography. Among the biggest reasons to make an APA format bibliography is just to produce the research and writing process simpler. The Supreme Approach to Example Apa Research Paper It's only normal to be anxious about hiring an on-line essay writer as you can't ever be sure whether you are employing the perfect service or not. Some readers will be considering research methods utilised in your work while others might read certain points mentioned in your research. As the title of the writing implies you must conduct the research in the certain region of knowledge. It's extremely important to read carefully essay services reviews, because you would like to avoid low excellent services. Nobody will argue that It's quite challenging to compose an academic paper if there's no structure for it. You will be happy you filled up the purchase form. Your document may have a complicated structure, especially in the event the most important body will be big. If you read an illustration of APA paper, you can observe that running heads aren't always mandatory. A template is a kind of design that's already formatted in your document so you can get started writing on opening it. Examine examples of such works to comprehend how to write them and what style you ought to use for formatting them. The format to be used is related to the topic that you have chosen. The format of your abstract also is dependent upon the sort of paper you're writing. Example Apa Research Paper and Example Apa Research Paper - The Perfect Combination You have to keep in mind that the thesis statement is normally a kind of introduction to the assigned subject issue. Occasionally a thesis can be formulated as a question that should be answered or a problem that should be resolved. Most theories suggest that only very disturbed folks do horrible actions if they're ordered to achieve that. The aim of the research introduction is to notify the readers about this issue and your opinion on the subject. A research paper is a rather significant kind of academic wri ting. Before you begin your essay or research paper, you should get familiar with some overall APA rules. The significance of the outline in the research paper is clear. Thus, it's apparent that example of recommendation in research paper is always based on specific data and cannot be speculated because of the fact that it isn't a hypothesis. So, first of all, a college research paper has to be informative. You've got to compose several academic papers over the span of a year. College students are predicted to deliver premium quality research papers that fulfill strict requirement as to contents and form. Research Paper preparation means handling a great amount of information. Research projects may still be presented visually. Research Paper isn't a task for a single day. An individual should realize that every Research Paper is a sophisticated writing because it must contain distinctive research and distinctive idea. The War Against Example Apa Research Paper Precise word counts can change from journal to journal. If you aren't mindful of APA requirements just type in Google (or some other search engine) APA format and you are certain to find a lot of results. Bear in mind that the format of the reference is dependent on the source material or whether it's a book, journal, newspaper or internet resource. The reference list ought to be alphabetized based on the author's last name. In case the structure of the primary body has many levels, it is preferable to use different numbering styles. A bibliography is comparable in many methods to a reference section, but there are a f ew critical differences. College students should use a suitable numbering for unique sections.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Case Study question Free Essays
The task that Eileen and Jack are doing on a separate level has set up what seems to be a personal relationship with each other. Jack uses Eileen more like an assistant or peer than one of the regular employees. Although Eileen is t the same level as the other workers she does different tasks as them. We will write a custom essay sample on Case Study question or any similar topic only for you Order Now The interaction between Eileen and Jack is what is causing the rest of the team to have a negative sentiment towards Jacks leadership. They do not see Jack’s behavior as appropriate or worthy Of their trust. If the two Of them continue to separate themselves from the rest of the team, it will cause the other workers to lower their work performance since they will feel unappreciated and that their work is not being noticed. Another problem that could arise is that they could report Jack to Human resources and accuse him of unfair retirement since Eileen is getting time off and preferential treatment. Applying Path-Goal and Attainment-Schmidt Continuum of leader behavior Jack needs understand he is causing the resentment towards Eileen. He needs to develop every team member with the style that is best for them. Jack seems to be using an Achievement-oriented leadership style with Eileen, and wants the others to just be more like her. Believe Jack needs to be supportive in finding out why the other resent Eileen, by doing this he will discover that they feel he is giving preferential treatment to Eileen. Then he will be able to identify where his team is and change his leadership behavior according to the individual member. According to Attainment and Schmidt, Jack should be more democratic in his decisions. If he wants the group to work like a team then he should be less authoritarian and more democratic. This could limit the preferential treatment given to any employee in the group. Jack will be able to clarify the goals that need to be achieved and explain that Eileen is the best to stay late, or the team will be in agreement another team member would be better for the task. How to cite Case Study question, Free Case study samples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
The Goonies Essay Example
The Goonies Essay Director: Richard Donner Writers: Steven Spielberg (story) and Chris Columbus (screenplay) Script Links: http://www. geocities. com/goonies_e/script. html http://www. dailyscript. com/scripts/goonies. pdf Release Date: 1985 Run Time: 114 minutes Genre: Adventure / Family / Comedy Rated: PG Cast: Sean Astin . Michael Mikey Walsh Josh Brolin . Brandon Brand Walsh Jeff Cohen . Lawrence Chunk Cohen Corey Feldman . Clark Mouth Devereaux Kerri Green . Andrea Andy Carmichael Martha Plimpton . Stefanie Stef Steinbrenner Jonathan Ke Quan . Richard Data Wang (as Ke Huy Quan) John Matuszak . Lotney Sloth Fratelli Robert Davi . Jake Fratelli Joe Pantoliano . Francis Fratelli Anne Ramsey . Mama Fratelli [pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] [pic][pic] [pic] [pic] Directions for The Goonies Essay Project Step 1- Choose a character from the film: Michael Mikey Walsh Brandon Brand Walsh Lawrence Chunk Cohen Clark Mouth Devereaux Andrea Andy Carmichael Stefanie Stef Steinbrenner Richard Data Wang (as Ke Huy Quan) Lotney Sloth Fratelli Jake Fratelli Francis Fratelli Mama Fratelli Step 2- Using your chosen Goonie, follow him/ her on the adventure by taking notes on his/ her character trait. Use the attached Character Traits Handout and the Character Traits Worksheet to aid in your note-taking (this is a grade). Step 3- Write a character analysis essay on your Goonie. We will write a custom essay sample on The Goonies specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Goonies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Goonies specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Essentially, you will use the essay format I went over in class (see Write Right packet), your notes from the film, and the Character Trait Worksheets to discuss your Goonie’s character traits. This is a formal essay. That means no never evers! No First Person, Contractions, Slang! See pages 9-12 Remembrall and the OEH pages 78-88 for a refresher! Remember the following for your Body Paragraphs: †¢ In the first topic paragraph, describe the first character trait you have chosen. Remember these can be defined by: 1. What he/ she says – words 2. What he/ she does – actions 3. What others say (or think) about him/ her – dialogue 4. What others do to him/ her – action †¢ In the second topic paragraph, describe the second character trait you have chosen. Remember these can be defined by: 1. What he/ she says – words 2. What he/ she does – actions 3. What others say (or think) about him/ her – dialogue 4. What others do to him/ her – action †¢ In the final topic paragraph, describe the third character trait you have chosen. Remember these can be defined by: 1. What he/ she says – words . What he/ she does – actions 3. What others say (or think) about him/ her – dialogue 4. What others do to him/ her – action Standards: Writing 7. 8 The student will develop expository writings. * Apply knowledge of prewriting strategies. * Elaborate the central idea in an organized manner. * Choose vocabulary and information that will cause a reader to perceive images and tone. * Revise writing for clarity. * Edit final copies to ensure correct use of homonyms, pronoun-antecedent agreement, subject-verb agreement, and verb tense consistency. Edit final copies to ensure correct spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and format. Benchmark: Key factors learned from The Goonies Essay: 1. Time management- we had to focus on managing our time wisely so as to complete the essay (four fully written paragraphs) in the allotted time of the class. 2. Recalling Facts/ Citing- we learned to recall scenes from the film, The Goonies, and then apply it to our paragraphs as proof to support our topics. 3. Formatting- we learned how to use the Gospel to our advantage and develop our own essay formats based on the guidelines within the Gospel. . Application/ Synthesis- we learned how to take gained knowledge coupled with new information and synthesize it into an expression of our own learning. Character Traits Handout Introduction F. Scott Fitzgerald once n oted, â€Å"Action is character. †In other words, characters do things. They feel things. They hear things. They say things. They think things. They go places and so on. It is in these actions that the character’s traits are established. It is in this that we, the readers, get to â€Å"see†what kind of character thee people are: friendly, sad, nosey, love-struck, adventurous, etc. When we discuss characters in literature, poetry, and even film, we often describe them in terms of their character traits, descriptive adjectives that define the specific qualities of the character. The author/ poet/ director may present this directly, but often times, they show us this in action. Our job as readers/ viewers is to draw conclusions about the character’s traits (infer them). Below is a list of ways we can determine the traits of the character we are studying: [pic] 1. APPEARANCE AND NAME. A possible place to look for analysis is in the names of the characters: For example, Willy Loman from Arthur Millers Death of a Salesman. â€Å"Loman†says a lot about Willy be a â€Å"low man. † It provides the reader an opportunity to analyze the name and character. Would a man with the last name of Loman be more likely to be a powerful business man or one whose career is over? †¢ List the direct characterization of a characters appearance. Before wri ting a character analysis paper, list the qualities of appearance that the author has given you. Then try to analyze how the appearance develops the character. [pic] 2. ACTIONS †¢ We know a lot about a person by the way he/ she behaves. If the person cries a lot, we assume something about his or her character. If a man is always breaking up with his girlfriends, there is something we can assume about him. †¢ To begin, list actions of each characters. Then analyze how these actions define the characteristics of each characters. (See the attached Character Traits Chart Handout) [pic] 3. SPEECH †¢ As with action, we know a lot about a person by what he or she says. Also, we know a lot about a person by how the person says something. Is the character extremely ironic? †¢ To begin, list some dialogue that shows some characteristics of the character. [pic] 4. THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS †¢ Look for thoughts and feelings of a character that demonstrates to you some characteristics of the character. o   If a character always feels guilty, what does this say about the person? Does he have a low self-esteem? Is he extremely religious? †¢ List thoughts and feelings of each characters. Then analyze how these thoughts and feelings define the characteristics of each characters. pic] 5. CHOICES †¢ As choices are made, they reveal the characters value and self-concept. o If a character decides to help volunteer at the shelter, what does this say about her? If she decides to cheat on her husband, what does this say about? †¢ List the choices of each characters. Then analyze what these choices say about the character. How do they add to the indirect characterization? [pic] 6. COMMENTS ABOUT OTHER CHARACTERS †¢ We can learn a lot about a character when another character or the narrator says something about him or her. [pic] Some Common Character Traits †¢ Honest |†¢ Excited |†¢ Bright |†¢ Unselfish |†¢ Humble |†¢ Ambitious | |†¢ Light-hearted |†¢ Studious |†¢ Courageous |†¢ Self-confident |†¢ Friendly |†¢ Able | |†¢ Leader |†¢ Inventive |†¢ Serious |†¢ Respectful |†¢ Short |†¢ Quiet | |†¢ Expert |†¢ Creative |†¢ Funny |†¢ Considerate |†¢ Adventurous |†¢ Curious | |†¢ Brave |†¢ Thrilling |†¢ Humorous |†¢ Imaginative |†¢ Hard-working |†¢ Reserved | |†¢ Conceited |†¢ Independent |†¢ Sad |†¢ Busy |†¢ Timid |†¢ Pleasing | |†¢ Mischievous |†¢ Intelligent |†¢ Poor |†¢ Patriotic |†¢ Shy |†¢ Bossy | |†¢ D emanding |†¢ Compassionate |†¢ Rich |†¢ Fun-loving |†¢ Bold |†¢ Witty | |†¢ Thoughtful |†¢ Gentle |†¢ Tall |†¢ Popular |†¢ Daring |†¢ Fighter | |†¢ Keen |†¢ Proud |†¢ Dark |†¢ Successful |†¢ Dainty |†¢ Tireless | |†¢ Happy |†¢ Wild |†¢ Light |†¢ Responsible |†¢ Pitiful |†¢ Energetic | |†¢ Disagreeable |†¢ Messy |†¢ Handsome |†¢ Lazy |†¢ Cooperative |†¢ Cheerful | |†¢ Simple |†¢ Neat |†¢ Pretty |†¢ Dreamer |†¢ Lovable |†¢ Smart | |†¢ Fancy |†¢ Joyful |†¢ Ugly |†¢ Helpful |†¢ Prim |†¢ Impulsive | |†¢ Plain |†¢ Strong |†¢ Selfish |†¢ Simple-minded |†¢ Proper |†¢ Loyal | Character Traits Worksheet Actions |Character Traits They Reveal | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Characterâ€⠄¢s Name: ______________________________________ Notes on the Essay Format Review your notes from the essay format I went over in class (in great detail), the Write Right packet, the OEH, and the use of your notes from the film, then use the below noted outlined essay format as an example to develop your Goonies essay. †¢ In the first topic paragraph, describe the first character trait you have chosen. Remember these can be defined by: 1. What he/ she says – words 2. What he/ she does – actions 3. What others say (or think) about him/ her – dialogue 4. What others do to him/ her – action †¢ In the second topic paragraph, describe the second character trait you have chosen. Remember these can be defined by: 1. What he/ she says – words 2. What he/ she does – actions 3. What others say (or think) about him/ her – dialogue 4. What others do to him/ her – action †¢ In the final topic paragraph, describe the third character trait you have chosen. Remember these can be defined by: 1. What he/ she says – words 2. What he/ she does – actions 3. What others say (or think) about him/ her – dialogue 4. What others do to him/ her – action Consider this your â€Å"example†(see the following attached page). Then, using these notes and the guideline handouts, write (fill in) with â€Å"proof†(quotes, examples from scenes, etc) a formal essay (that means NO NEVER EVERS) about the character traits of your chosen Goonie. For now, you are focusing on proof and finding evidence to support your thesis and topic sentences (see traits handouts). You may wish to consult the â€Å"Understanding†section of your Remembrall. There you may wish to review the elements of character, conflict, and theme to help you write this essay. Waldo Farguson Mr. Reese English 7, Period 1 9 February 2009 A Chunk of Character Sometimes doing the â€Å"right†thing is about making the â€Å"right†choices. In Steven Spielberg and Richard Donner’s film, The Goonies (1985), Chunk learns this difficult lesson when he and his friends, facing their last days together before a development paves over their homes, stumble onto evidence of pirates treasure. It is this new discovery and the possibilities it holds that allows Chunk’s character to truly develop throughout the whole of the story. Further, his loyalty, compassion, and courage are the specific traits that lead to the saving of their homes from pending development. Chunk’s loyalty defines his character. Notes: For the rest of the formatting of this essay, check your Write Right packet for samples and/or the OEH for development of MLA form. Keep it simple. We are working on form here. It’s like a math formula. Plug and chug to get the pattern down. Once we have this, we are free to develop our style and voice (hopefully in 4th quarter this will begin to take shape). Also, make sure you â€Å"flesh out†your defense: you need to make sure you explain your quotes and defense. Don’t simply list examples. The following page is an example of your Works Cited. Works Cited The Goonies. Dir. Richard Donner. Perf. Sean Astin, Josh Brolin, and Corey Feldman. 1985. DVD. Warner Brothers, 2001.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Light Matter essays
Light Matter essays In order to understand what light is one has to understand how vision works. The process of visual perception is incredibly complex, involving many functions of the brain. In Arthur Zajonc's book "Catching the Light," he writes, "...vision requires far more than a functioning physical organ. Without an inner light, without a formative visual imagination, we are blind." The function of registering visual information, seeing, requires learning to see, in other words, in order to see the light one must posses inner light. The process of visual perception is connected to all the other senses, functions of the body as well as mind. People learn to see by experience. For example: one acquires the knowledge of what any given object is by examining said object from all sides, by holding it, touching it, sometimes even tasting it. One, thus, learns' the object, so that whenever one later sees it, one already knows what it looks like and is able to anticipate the shape and textural qualitie s of objects related to the original. Zajonc writes, "The light of the mind must flow into and marry with the light of nature to bring forth a world." This ability to conceptualize is what makes perception so fascinating. Goethe had written that the inner light, or the 'organ' in the body that makes us consciously perceive, is created by light itself. He wrote, "The eye owes its existence to the light. Out of indifferent animal organs the light produces an organ to correspond to itself; and so the eye is formed by the light for the light so that the inner light might meet the outer." As one becomes older the organ for perception develops more. Our memory is foremost connected to vision; one remembers mostly what one perceived visually, only after that the recollection of other senses and thoughts begins. Our earliest memories come from a period when the conscious visual perception becomes possible. That is why people's earliest m ...
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
101 Classics to Get You Started
101 Classics to Get You Started So many books, so little time. Anyone, novice or expert, who is interested in reading classic literature might feel overwhelmed by the number of works categorized as Classics. So, where should you get started? The list below contains 101 works spanning multiple countries and subjects. It is meant to be a get started or find something new list for anyone on their own personal classic reading quest. Text Author The Count of Monte Cristo (1845) Alexandre Dumas The Three Musketeers (1844) Alexandre Dumas Black Beauty (1877) Anna Sewell Agnes Grey (1847) Anne Bront The Tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) Anne Bront The Prisoner of Zenda (1894) Anthony Hope Barchester Towers (1857) Anthony Trollope The Complete Sherlock Holmes (1887-1927) Arthur Conan Doyle Dracula (1897) Bram Stoker The Adventures of Pinocchio (1883) Carlo Collodi A Tale of Two Cities (1859) Charles Dickens David Copperfield (1850) Charles Dickens Great Expectations (1861) Charles Dickens Hard Times (1854) Charles Dickens Oliver Twist (1837) Charles Dickens Westward Ho! (1855) Charles Kingsley Jane Eyre (1847) Charlotte Bront Villette (1853) Charlotte Bront Sons and Lovers (1913) D.H. Lawrence Robinson Crusoe (1719) Daniel Defoe Moll Flanders (1722) Daniel Defoe Tales of Mystery Imagination (1908) Edgar Allan Poe The Age of Innocence (1920) Edith Wharton Cranford (1853) Elizabeth Gaskell Wuthering Heights (1847) Emily Bront The Secret Garden (1911) Frances Hodgson Burnett Crime and Punishment (1866) Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov (1880) Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Man Who Was Thursday (1908) G.K. Chesterton The Phantom Of The Opera (1909-10) Gaston Leroux Middlemarch (1871-72) George Eliot Silas Marner (1861) George Eliot The Mill on the Floss (1860) George Eliot The Diary of a Nobody (1892) George and Weedon Grossmith The Princess and the Goblin (1872) George MacDonald The Time Machine (1895) H.G. Wells Uncle Toms Cabin (1852) Harriet Beecher Stowe Walden (1854) Henry David Thoreau The Aspern Papers (1888) Henry James The Turn of the Screw (1898) Henry James King Solomons Mines (1885) Henry Rider Haggard Moby Dick (1851) Herman Melville The Odyssey (circa 8th C. BC) Homer The Call of the Wild (1903) Jack London Last of the Mohicans (1826) James Fenimore Cooper Emma (1815) Jane Austen Mansfield Park (1814) Jane Austen Persuasion (1817) Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice (1813) Jane Austen Pilgrims Progress (1678) John Bunyan Gullivers Travels (1726) Jonathan Swift Heart of Darkness (1899) Joseph Conrad Lord Jim (1900) Joseph Conrad 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1870) Jules Verne Around the World in Eighty Days (1873) Jules Verne The Awakening (1899) Kate Chopin The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900) L. Frank Baum Tristram Shandy (1759-1767) Laurence Sterne Anna Karenina (1877) Leo Tolstoy War and Peace (1869) Leo Tolstoy Alices Adventures in Wonderland (1865) Lewis Carroll Through the Looking-Glass (1871) Lewis Carroll Little Women (1868-69) Louisa May Alcott The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) Mark Twain Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) Mark Twain Frankenstein (1818) Mary Shelley Don Quixote of La Mancha (1605 1615) Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra Twice-Told Tales (1837) Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter (1850) Nathaniel Hawthorne The Prince (1532) Niccol Machiavelli The Four Million (1906) O. Henry The Importance of Being Earnest (1895) Oscar Wilde The Picture of Dorian Gray (1890) Oscar Wilde The Metamorphoses (circa 8 AD) Ovid Lorna Doone (1869) R. D. Blackmore Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) Robert Louis Stevenson Treasure Island (1883) Robert Louis Stevenson Kim (1901) Rudyard Kipling The Jungle Book (1894) Rudyard Kipling Ivanhoe (1820) Sir Walter Scott Rob Roy (1817) Sir Walter Scott The Red Badge of Courage (1895) Stephen Crane What Katy Did (1872) Susan Coolidge Tess of the dUrbervilles (1891-92) Thomas Hardy The Mayor Of Casterbridge (1886) Thomas Hardy Utopia (1516) Thomas More Rights of Man (1791) Thomas Paine Les Misrables (1862) Victor Hugo The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. (1819-20) Washington Irving The Moonstone (1868) Wilkie Collins The Woman in White (1859) Wilkie Collins A Midsummer Nights Dream (1600) William Shakespeare As You Like It (1623) William Shakespeare Hamlet (1603) William Shakespeare Henry V (1600) William Shakespeare King Lear (1608) William Shakespeare Othello (1622) William Shakespeare Richard III (1597) William Shakespeare The Merchant of Venice (1600) William Shakespeare The Tempest (1623) William Shakespeare Vanity Fair (1848) William Thackeray
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Critical thought Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Critical thought - Assignment Example Students have different lenses or opinions of the given instructional materials (depending on how they understand or correlate it with their experiences). The same applies to our lives. We may have seen an incident and viewed it as wrong according to our perception of culture or morality. Others may see it as normal, usual, right because they have different lenses as ours. An experience of mine regarding lenses had influenced my thinking of a particular incident. I had a misunderstanding with a friend about certain â€Å"time and commitment†issue. A few hours later, she has posted something on her social to which I have connected to the context of time and commitment. I thought that she was pertaining to me and to our arguments so I felt offended and did not talk to her for a long period of time. Months passed, I learned from her mother that she was facing a problem at her part-time job which concerns time and commitment issues. It was then that I realized that we have seen the situation in different lenses and I was wrong of my perceptions. The concept of our own lenses will help us become aware of the ones we have as compared to others. Not all individuals have the perceptions or thinking as ours. If we will only just perceived the world according to our lenses, we may have some misunderstanding of the people around us. In addition, we will fail to examine the objective truth and we will not bother to examine facts or evidences because we are already blinded by our lenses. By academic definition, perceiving is how we processed our thinking and understanding of the world through what we called â€Å"lenses†which may vary because of our individual personalities, experiences, biases, assumptions, and ways of viewing thing (Chaffee, 2012, 149; Thomson, 2002, 155). Believing, on the other hand, is establishing perceptual experiences into a belief structure or cognition and being able to execute or apply these
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Airline Industry Competitive Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Airline Industry Competitive Analysis - Essay Example Its use is expected to decline by a minimal figure from 45% to 43% in the coming decades but will further find suitable use. It is suggested that the aerospace manufacturing utilizes an estimated 950 million pounds in raw materials annually. The figure is expected to heighten by half in the subsequent years. The use of Aluminum and steel will further advance as they provide the quality and strength needed to sustain overall development of the sector as stipulated by the government. Composites including glass-fiber and carbon has increased and will further accelerate annually experiencing a 10% utility. Titanium and nickel are other metal that find their application to boost overall productivity of the industry. With these trends there lies a provision that dictates the amount of materials needed to be applied to achieve maximum returns. A steady rise in the overall growth would determine the quality of material applied in the production. The US airline has grown massively with its stressing on the need to produce quality products that abide to the set moral standards. With more input of the raw materials in the production process, maximum returns are
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Creative about recruiting
Creative about recruiting Question 1: How can Helen and Jesse be creative about recruiting top-notch people for the housekeeping department? Helen and Jesse have to create an atmosphere in which people believe in strategy, believe in management decisions, and believe in their work in order to create recruiting top-notch people for the housekeeping department. Additionally, people believe in management decisions, there is an enthusiasm within an organization. According to Chowdhury, 2000 such an atmosphere makes an organization do well; furthermore, successful leaders make this sort of environment equally inside and outside the organization. Jesse Rodriquez as a HR manager has to create a motivational atmosphere through setting a positive example through the utilization of good leadership practices. Moreover he must be good leader considering the fact that â€Å"leadership is a relationship through which one person influences the behavior or actions of other people†(Mullins, 2005) In addition Helen and Jesse must motivate potential employees because motivated employees help organizations to survive. Motivated employees are more productive. To be effective, Helen and Jesse need to understand what motivates employees within the context of the roles they perform. According to Maslow, employees have five levels of needs (Maslow, 1943): physiological, safety, social, ego, and self- actualizing. Maslow argued that lower level needs had to be satisfied before the next higher level need would motivate employees. Herzbergs work categorized motivation into two factors: motivators and hygienes (Herzberg, Mausner, Snyderman, 1959). Motivator or intrinsic factors, such as achievement and recognition, produce job satisfaction. Hygiene or extrinsic factors, such as pay and job security, produce job dissatisfaction. Furthermore, management team must make employees feel important and treat employees fairly and equitably. Moreover, the implement job satisfaction to their employees is required. Employees that feel they are a valued and integral part of the organization are likely to remain with the property for extended periods of time. Human resources manager must be good communicator team player and to power to his employees constantly and continue to improve overall group performance. Employees that believe their managers will lend support and reinforcement during challenging times are more likely to remain with the organization for the long term A good operating system and adequate training are essential. Employees need the proper tools and support to do the job. A performance-based compensation plan should be designed very carefully to ensure that your employees are encouraged to help build the business and are rewarded for their contributions, and provide as many extra benefits as possible. A positive corporate culture and a pleasant work environment are more important than money to most good employees. Question 2: What kind of support should Helen and Jesse ask the general manager to provide? The general manager has to support these ideas in order to give opportunity to these systems to be effective. Manager need to demonstrate a truthful sense of caring about employees and what is important to them. Manager has to help employees refocus on the demands of their roles and on the skills, knowledge and talents they bring to their jobs.. For employees to engage and commit to their employer, they need: A strong relationship with their manager; Clear communication from their manager; A clear path set for concentrating on what they do best; Strong co-worker relationships; A strong commitment to their co-workers so they will take risks and stretch for excellence; and Opportunities to learn and grow.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Is Exposure to the Internet at Early Age a Good Idea
The internet currently presents very interesting questions and challengers for parents. If there were an instruction manual and how to be a parent leaning on technology and the internet would be worthy to certain the problems. Internet leaders, analysts, and activists are involved in an ongoing debate about how the internet and technology affect our lives, as virtual reality becomes embedded in your life. While technology advances have improved communication capabilities, there is wide disagreement as to whether this leads to better social tolerance, human relations, or home lives. Nowadays, children are moving towards technology in by time. Definitely, we are in a period where technology is everything without technology our life left out and monotonous. In discussion, let see the use of internet aspect for the children. Internet has both its good and bad impact. It really depends on our way of use. For me, I agree the discussion of exposure to the internet at an early age a good idea because children can develop computer skills faster, in internet many websites include types of educational will have, give your child quick and effective access and finally encourage to use more comfortable resources in internet. What can the internet do for you and your children? Let see now and in the future? Its usefulness enters every area of our lives. By the internet, updated information about vital subjects can apply which only a click way. The internet presents much benefit to the individual or children for education, business, entertainment and live socialization. Exposure to the internet at an early age because can develop their computer skills so far in education and entertainment. As a tool for education and entertainment, the internet enables users to learn about virtually any topic in education or entertainment, search information or play an infinite number of online games with other users. This keeps them aware of all things going on around technology. The internet is the most useful and important thing in today’s society may develop their computer skills faster. The first step is gaining an adequate knowledge of the facts, and then knowing where to look for solutions. As result as, our children are thinking true or false knowledge and avoid the problems. Informed parents can be proactive and reduce the risks, and perhaps just as important, they can ensure technology is positive influence for yours. Besides that, exposure to the internet at early age because information technology give learn about virtual education for their children to develop acknowledge for them. There are so many valuable information that the children can get on the internet. This keeps them aware of all the things to do and going on around them. So, children should have proper access to the internet from a very early age to learn and teach them earlier. Besides that, information technology is mediator and beneficial to young child to develop their skills. Many programs and types of education will have in internet such as citcat. com, dictionary with ‘google’ translate and many programs are beneficial to them. Before that, to suppose this advantage, family should supervision for them to allowed use the internet. In addition, exposure to the internet at early age can give your child quick and effective access the internet. Information technology gives a large amount of educational material to use for education part. Children more like to explore their mind to search any part in internet to have information for them. Other sides, schools generally give your child encourage and usually insist upon the use of computers for obtaining resources. These are started at school while they should know and where this information can get for them. This age children grow their capturing skills and knowledge around them. Then, children are quick and effective to learn more about the internet. For example, children can make tutorial between users and computer, while the computer teach what to do with tutorial itself. Otherwise, some of the using internet is also dangers with many inappropriate sites for young children. In the internet, are also dangers for their young children because it is many unfortunately and worryingly can display with searching in the internet. Predators in disguise frequent sites looking for children to deceive. For example, many website in the internet can manipulate and distribute porno sites and uncertain sites to abuse their child. It all depends on their children owns. When a child enters a chat room, they expect to find someone that is their own age with their interest. They may even find someone that just seems like they truly are the â€Å"perfect†friend. In conclusion, exposure to the internet at an early age has its pros and cons. Children using the internet at an early stage are much smarter than their counterparts who do not have access to the internet. There is also much valuable information that children can get on the internet at an early age. For recommendation, children should be allowed and exposure to use the internet at an early age only in the presence of their parents or some other adults in their family.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Individuality Vs Society - 1706 Words
Aldous Huxley s novel, Brave New World, tells the story of a dystopian world that contends with some of our modern world s most debated topics; individuality vs. society and the price one is willing to pay for security. Far from a idyllic utopia, Huxley portrays an advanced, highly ordered, and technology-driven society in which security and stability are purchased at the price of individuality. While the citizens of World State seem to be content with a world in which all individuality must be given up; individuality is necessary for the survival of both society and the individual, thus the individual needs must be placed before the needs of the society. The World State limits individualism through the lack of diversity within the†¦show more content†¦The controllers in the World State effectively dehumanize their populous through the controlling nature of the state. In Brave New World, the most prominent aspect of the World State is the absence of individuality, which is to ensure stability. The controllers in Brave New World understand that in order to ensure stability, individuality must be squashed. One of the controllers acknowledges this by saying there is no civilization without social stability. No social stability with individual stability (Huxley 28). The need for stability creates a state which, believes that stability can be achieved if people think and look the same (Fan 1). Stability in Brave New World, demands mindless robots, not people. The main component of what makes a person human and unique are the emotions that they feel, and the thoughts produced from these feelings. Emotions are what drives humankind to dream, to pursue a belief, to grow, to learn, to become a better person and to love. Emotions are a personal, intimate feeling of overwhelming individual influence, which is why the World State saw to controlling emotion. The World State controls its populous’ emotions and takes opportunities away from its citizens to experience the fundamentals of what makes one human, effectively dehumanizing its population. For the sake of stability, the traditional familial and romantic bonds have been conditioned out of the human consciousness, accompanying them, negative emotions suchShow MoreRelatedIndividualism in the Film Jane Eyre Essay1047 Words  | 5 PagesISU Comparison Essay â€Å"He who loses individuality, loses all†(Good Reads, 2012). This quote said by Mahatma Gandhi, one of the most recognized leaders of the 19th century, can easily be used to acknowledge the importance of a society possessing unique individualistic traits and characteristics as individuality is the fuel needed to run a society. In a world, where even a mere speck of individuality is not present, that society is likely to shatter into utter destruction. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Patriarchal Society Defined According to Feminism
Definition: Patriarchal (adj.) describes a general structure in which men have power over women. Society (n.) is the entirety of relations of a community. A patriarchal society consists of a male-dominated power structure throughout organized society and in individual relationships. Power is related to privilege. In a system in which men have more power than women, men have some level of privilege to which women are not entitled. The concept of patriarchy has been central to many feminist theories. It is an attempt to explain the stratification of power and privilege by gender that can be observed by many objective measures. A patriarchy, from the ancient Greek patriarches, was a society where power was held by and passed down through the elder males. When modern historians and sociologists describe a patriarchal society, they mean that men hold the positions of power and have more privilege: head of the family unit, leaders of social groups, boss in the workplace, and heads of government. In patriarchy, there is also a hierarchy among the men. In traditional patriarchy, the elder men had power over the younger generations of men. In modern patriarchy, some men hold more power (and privilege) by virtue of the position of authority, and this hierarchy of power (and privilege) is considered acceptable. The term comes from pater or father. Father or father-figures hold the authority in a patriarchy. Traditional patriarchal societies are, usually, also patrilineal  titles and property are inherited through male lines. (For an example of this, the Salic Law as applied to property and titles followed male lines strictly.) Feminist Analysis Feminist theorists have expanded the definition of patriarchal society to describe a systemic bias against women. As second-wave feminists examined society during the 1960s, they did observe households headed by women and female leaders. They were, of course, concerned with whether this was uncommon. More significant, however, was the way society perceived women in power as an exception to a collectively held view of womens role in society. Rather than saying that individual men oppressed women, most feminists saw that oppression of women came from the underlying bias of a patriarchal society. Gerda Lerners Analysis of Patriarchy Gerda Lerners 1986 history classic, The Creation of Patriarchy, traces the development of the patriarchy to the second millennium B.C.E. in the middle east, putting gender relations at the center of the story of civilizations history. She argues that before this development, male dominance was not a feature of human society in general. Women were key to the maintenance of human society and community, but with a few exceptions, social and legal power was wielded by men. Women could gain some status and privilege in patriarchy by limiting her child-bearing capacity to just one man so that he could depend on her children being his children. By rooting patriarchy  a social organization where men rule over women  in historical developments, rather than in nature, human nature or biology, she also opens the door for change. If patriarchy was created by culture, it can be overturned by a new culture.  Part of her theory carried through into another volume, The Creation of Feminist Consciousness, is that women were not conscious that they were subordinate (and it might be otherwise) until this consciousness began slowly to emerge, starting with medieval Europe. In an interview with Jeffrey Mishlove on Thinking Aloud, Lerner described her work on the subject of patriarchy: Other groups that were subordinated in history  peasants, slaves, colonials, any kind of group, ethnic minorities  all of those groups knew very quickly that they were subordinated, and they developed theories about their liberation, about their rights as human beings, about what kind of struggle to conduct in order to emancipate themselves. But women did not, and so that was the question that I really wanted to explore. And in order to understand it I had to understand really whether patriarchy was, as most of us have been taught, a natural, almost God-given condition, or whether it was a human invention coming out of a specific historic period. Well, in Creation of Patriarchy I think I show that it was indeed a human invention; it was created by human beings, it was created by men and women, at a certain given point in the historical development of the human race. It was probably appropriate as a solution for the problems of that time, which was the Bronze Age, but its no longer appropriate, all right? And the reason we find it so hard, and we have found it so hard, to understand it and to combat it, is that it was institutionalized before Western civilization really, as we know it, was, so to speak, invented, and the process of creating patriarchy was really well completed by the time that the idea systems of Western civilization were formed. Some Quotes About Feminism and Patriarchy From bell hooks: Visionary feminism is a wise and loving politics. It is rooted in the love of male and female being, refusing to privilege one over the other. The soul of feminist politics is the commitment to ending patriarchal domination of women and men, girls and boys. Love cannot exist in any relationship that is based on domination and coercion. Males cannot love themselves in patriarchal culture if their very self-definition relies on submission to patriarchal rules. When men embrace feminist thinking and practice, which emphasizes the value of mutual growth and self-actualization in all relationships, their emotional well-being will be enhanced. A genuine feminist politics always brings us from bondage to freedom, from lovelessness to loving. Also from bell hooks: We have to constantly critique imperialist white supremacist patriarchal culture because it is normalized by mass media and rendered unproblematic. From Mary Daly: The word ‘sin’ is derived from the Indo-European root ‘es-,’ meaning ‘to be.’ When I discovered this etymology, I intuitively understood that for a [person] trapped in patriarchy, which is the religion of the entire planet, ‘to be’ in the fullest sense is ‘to sin. From Andrea Dworkin: Being female in this world means having been robbed of the potential for human choice by men who love to hate us. One does not make choices in freedom. Instead, one conforms in body type and behavior and values to become an object of male sexual desire, which requires an abandonment of a wide-ranging capacity for choice... From Maria Mies, author of Patriarchy and Accumulation on a World Scale, linking the division of labor under capitalism to the division of the sexes: Peace in patriarchy is war against women. From Yvonne Aburrow: The patriarchal/kyriarchal/hegemonic culture seeks to regulate and control the body – especially women’s bodies, and especially black women’s bodies – because women, especially black women, are constructed as the Other, the site of resistance to the kyriarchy. Because our existence provokes fear of the Other, fear of wildness, fear of sexuality, fear of letting go – our bodies and our hair (traditionally hair is a source of magical power) must be controlled, groomed, reduced, covered, suppressed. From Ursula Le Guin: Civilized Man says: I am Self, I am Master, all the rest is other--outside, below, underneath, subservient. I own, I use, I explore, I exploit, I control. What I do is what matters. What I want is what matter is for. I am that I am, and the rest is women wilderness, to be used as I see fit. From Kate Millett: Patriarchy, reformed or unreformed, is patriarchy still: its worst abuses purged or foresworn, it might actually be more stable and secure than before. From Adrienne Rich, Of Woman Born: â€Å"There is nothing revolutionary whatsoever about the control of womens bodies by men. The womans body is the terrain on which patriarchy is erected.â€
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