Thursday, October 31, 2019
Abortion In The United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Abortion In The United States - Essay Example Statistics suggest that 50 percent of all women opting for abortion, in the United States, fall in the age group of below twenty-five years of age and 66 percent of all abortions are performed on women who have been never-married. Women under the age of twenty-five or even younger are far less likely to have sufficient means to sustain themselves much less, have the resources to look after their yet unborn child. Giving birth further increases the burden on the mother to provide for the child and in the absence of adequate financial and social means, the life and well-being of both - the mother and the child could be threatened thus causing more harm than good in the long run. The debate on abortion is subject to a range of philosophical as well as constitutional deficiencies, which often threaten to push the subject into a potential gray market of even more complex choices. The advocates of equal rights for both the genders suggest that equal rights include the right to choose and m ake decisions concerning their own health and safety, which in case of women includes abortion. Graber suggests that preventing women from making such choices that may directly affect their well-being amounts to preventing them access to basic civil rights. It is similar to preventing a section of society from accessing education, or a certain type of food of their choice. For some, relinquishing the food of their choice may be an easier alternative than having to debate over choices that directly affect their own health.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Case Study in Comuter Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Case Study in Comuter Security - Essay Example It provides consistent approaches for the applications that could be running on the organizations or within the internet cloud. Advantages and disadvantages STS can simplify authentication logic especially for every individual software applications. It makes it possible for applications to identify certain aspects about the users even without interrogating the user. It simplifies authentication processes for user. The major disadvantage is confusion in the term and concepts. It requires substantial skills to use the application and it is costly to install and use. Claims-based identity could be used by the Metropolitan Police Service as a way of applications for acquiring identity information required for every individual working for the police service within the area. The administrators could establish and acquire all MPS users’ identity information. MPS could find this technology useful since it provides an approach, which is consistent for the applications that are running on the Metropolitan Police Service premises as well as in the internet cloud. ... s The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is used in managing multiple identities in different roles within the police service Advantages and disadvantages It is advantageous in that it allows role associations that can be created when new operations are started and old associations are done away with. It is also advantageous in terms of its ability to control privileges at an individual level. The technology is technical and costly to adopt. Application The Metropolitan Police Services can utilize this technology for a successful operation of its activities without comprising the security of sensitive information in the police service. Recommendation I would recommend the use of the claims-based identity technology because it has more potential grounds in preventing multiple identities. It has potential to make authentication logic simpler for every individual software application. In this case, the applications do not require the provision of account creation mechanisms, password crea tion, or even reset. Again, there is hardly any need to interrogate user to determine certain information since the technology can establish certain aspects about the user. Answer to Question 2 Role In the world of information technology, there is an important need to strengthen user authentication in order to keep hackers and such kind of people at bay and there different ways to validate the identity of a user which do have distinct levels of security (Douligeris 2007, p.173). The single factor authentication involves simple identifications like a badge that is used to access a door or a building that is potentially fairly secure but may be prone to failures such as problems of passwords. Biometrics is highly used as a secure and very convenient authentication tool. This tool can hardly
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gun Ownership And Gun Culture In Usa Criminology Essay
Gun Ownership And Gun Culture In Usa Criminology Essay Use and ownership of guns requires strict regulation by the government to prevent any form of misuse. Policies on possession of firearms especially guns in USA differs from those of Canada. These policies dictate ownership and use of guns in the community. Statistics indicate that almost seventy five percent of US families are in possession of licensed guns. This is contrary to families in Canada who have minimal and regulated possession of guns. In Canada, strict measures are in place to control possession and use of guns in the society. Increased rate in possession of guns have got massive effects in moral, social and economical aspect of life in USA and Canada. The main reason for licensed possession of guns is for security matters. In some cases, the guns can be used for hunting expedition in the line of spirit of adventure. Therefore, policies on gun possession should be highly restrictive and directive to curb any form of misuse. This has not been the case in various states suc h as Chicago. Recently there has been an increase in crimes among the youth aged below twenty six years of age. Research has indicated that policies on gun possession have been violated in US many times, which has made teenagers, engage in violent acts such as murder. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of gun ownership and gun culture in USA as compared to Canada. Effects of gun ownership and gun culture Statistics indicate that American people have the highest ownership rate of guns worldwide. This is because of high population and liberal laws on gun ownership and culture. The increasing insecurity levels and gun privatization have seen the rate of gun possession escalate every year. There has been a debate to amend gun laws, which will result to maximum control of gun use and ownership. Majority of private gun owners are against the motion as this will interfere with their daily activities such as game hunting. Gun culture in United States has changed over time. This is because the formation of illegal gangs in various states such as Chicago has led to misuse of guns. Recent cases of shooting of school students by members of various gangs reflect the impact of guns misuse in the society. Freedom to own guns among the youth have significantly increased the occurrences of violent acts, murder and social immoralities. This is because as shown in Chicago state, member of the gangs use firearms for protection and to enhance successful drug market dominance. Violent acts arise as a result of confrontation among different gang members based on racial aspects. Blacks and Latino minority groups in US are highly affected groups. Case study conducted in various states of America indicates that poverty and illiteracy are the major contributing factors to misuse of guns. On the other hand, media outlets have been blamed for instigating violent acts through violent online video gaming and movies. The target groups are mainly the young people who lack moral guidance, thus end up experimenting and aping violent acts through shooting of innocent people. In Canada, gun ownership and culture has been under control through the registration process. The law stipulates that possession of firearms by individuals such as hand guns must be registered to facilitate effective control. It is through adoption of such gun culture that has significantly reduced negative effects of gun ownership in Canada. The government is fully committed to regulating the rate of ownership of guns to prevent the occurrence of violent acts such as murder. Canadian firearm program main objective is to facilitate effective licensing of guns to private owners through assessment process. Each private owner of gun must undertake safety education to curb misuse. In Canada, prohibitions of guns, which can be used for mass destruction, are prohibited. It is through implementation of gun control policies in Canada that have led to reduction of crime rates in various regions of the country. In addition, through possession of licensed guns and effective use of the same guns , security level has improved in Canada. Gun culture in Canada is different from that of US based on reason for the acquisition. In US, gun ownership is viewed as a symbol of prestige and power while in Canada is strictly for security and spirit of adventure. In the movie Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore, effects of gun ownership and culture is clearly reflected in a negative way. This is because guns have been used to carry out massive murder among students. Group and isolated murder cases are on the rise in US majority of which are executed through the use of guns. The campaign for gun ownership in US has increased interests among the young people. Furthermore, drug cartels and gang formation are strengthened by acquisition of guns among the young people aged below twenty five years. The federal government has been faced with challenges of eliminating violent acts in the major streets as a result of gun ownership. Increased school dropouts and lack of parental guidance in matters of discipline have also resulted to increase in crime rate in the society. In addition, low standards of living among the minority groups have led to the creation of illegal groupings with an objective of trafficking drugs and firearms. In many parts of U S, guns are associated with power and dominance. This has led to the emergence of social immoralities such as prostitution and drug abuse. There have been culture shift in Canada in terms of gun ownership, which advocate on controlled use and registration. Crime rates have reduced over years as a result of government intervention and awareness creation on the issue. This is contrary to the culture in US as the majority of people views that it is right for each citizen to own a gun without state interference. Misuse of guns is associated with various factors such as alcoholism, drug addiction, indiscipline and violent attitude among the young people. Conclusion Statistics postulates that both Canada and USA have the highest ownership of guns. The only difference is the mode of control whereby Canada has structured program on the issue that regulate misuse and ownership of guns. Cultural differences play a significant role in control of gun ownership and use as depicted in Canada. Inadequate cooperation from the populace and the law enforcers in regulating misuse of guns has resulted to prevalence in crime and violent acts in US. To prevent such crimes, amendment of firearms policies should be conducted to incorporate massive federal control in gun ownership. Adoption of Canadian model in gun ownership and culture in US will significantly reduce violent acts among the youth.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Living in a Multicultural Society Essay example -- social issues, mult
The class activity was simple: draw a self-portrait. As Ms. Caldera began to look through her students' work, one stood out to her. The drawing was of a young fair-skinned, blond-hair, and blue-eyed girl. Normally this would not be a problem, but in this case it was. The girl who had drawn herself was actually quite the opposite: rich dark skin, brown hair, and brown eyes (Caldera). Considering that the United States is such a large melting pot of cultures, it is normal for children to have difficulty balancing between two cultures. Culture, is really important for a child's development because it ultimately influences their morals and values. Although it is difficult for children to balance the traditions and such of two cultures, they are recompensed with a greater knowledge about the world, and understanding of people. Culture is very important when it comes to shaping a person's beliefs and what they stand for, it will basically determine many of their decisions. In specific, children form their behaviors based on their culture, which leads to different customs and beliefs because of the variety of cultures. Different cultures express different character traits in a person; this can lead to the development and prevalence of a child (Culture). Although the United States consists of a shared core culture, it also consists of many other minor cultures; because of this there are many different characteristics, values, and norms that might be interpreted differently by other cultures. Consequently, this can cause cultural misunderstandings, conflict, and discrimination which also leads to an imbalance for children because they do not know what is acceptable in certain cultures. Banks acknowledges that â€Å"Multicultural educ... ... Banks, James and Cherry Banks. Multicultural Education. John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2004. Print Caldera, Araceli. Personal Interview. English Language Program Facilitator. 14 June 2015. â€Å"Constructing Race.†Signs of Life in the USA. 2009 ed. Print. â€Å"Culture.†Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. 2012 ed. Web. 10 June 2015. Davidman, Leonard and Patricia T. Davidman. Teaching with a Multicultural Perspective. New York: Longman, 1997. Print. Grosjean, Francois. â€Å"Advantages of Being Bicultural.†Psychology Today. 19 Apr. 2013. Print. McCarthy, Steve. â€Å"Understanding Bilingualism: What it Means to Be Bicultural.† 2 Jan. 2010. Web. 8 June 2015. Parrish, Patrick, and Jennifer A. Linder-VanBerschot. â€Å"Addressing the Challenges of MulticulturalInstruction.†Cultural Dimensions of Learning 11.2 (2010): 10 pgs. Web. 8 June 2015.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Employers Get Tough on Health
Kayli Tipps Employers Get Tough on Health The article entitled â€Å"Employers Get Tough on Health†is printed by the Chicago Tribune September 24, 2007 and it addresses how some companies in America are now choosing whether you get hired or keep your job based on your personal behavior and lifestyle habits such as smoking or eating high fat meals. In the reading the Article states â€Å"the rules of the work place are changing†and you should be informed of those changes so you can be a likely candidate to get hired if applying for a new job at these companies.I will tell you how they are testing to see if you make â€Å"bad†lifestyle choices and also how it may affect whether you qualify for health insurance or your job at these companies. The company known as Weyco Inc. in Michigan is who the article is about. This Company drew national attention in 2005 when it fired four employees who used tobacco. Weyco performs random testing every three months, usually o f about 30 workers.The workers are supposed to breath into a breathalyzer-like device that measures carbon-monoxide levels. So if the level is high then they are given a urine test and if they fail they will be dismissed. This is a scary idea to those who might smoke. Also I need to mention that you should say goodbye to the days of high-fat meals because Weyco can also regulate your blood pressure, body mass and glucose levels.The requirements embraced by a growing number of companies are setting privacy aside and raising questions about who will qualify for health insurance and more importantly employment. Like some of the employees you may be wondering if these new rules are illegal. According to Gary Climes, vice president of Meritain Health Michigan, who owns Weyco, stated that the firings do not violate Michigan law and that the 150 employees at the company have accepted the rules. It really comes down to a personal choice as far as do you want to be employed here,†Clim es said. Since 2005 when Weyco instituted the wellness policy that includes the smoking ban, health insurance costs have increased by only 2 percent which is below the national average. So you now should be worried because personal behavior and lifestyle habits, those unrelated to work, are now fair game for employers determined to cut health care costs.The Article is very informative and gives detailed reports on the testing and how you could potentially be â€Å"dismissed†if you fail one of the tests. Also the article is expressing to you how you should rethink the junk food you have been eating or the cigarette you are about to smoke. Although thousands of employees have put in place incentives for their workers to live healthier lifestyles, the great numbers of employers have not yet embraced the act to penalize workers who don’t satisfy medical and behavioral rules.Although you should really try to take steps to better yourself and use this article as a little pu sh even if you don’t live in Michigan because punitive measures are gaining a foothold in the workplace. I recommend this article to anyone who is currently looking for a job to get these ideas flowing in your head because even if the company you’re working for isn’t testing you or firing people for smoking you should still be aware that they look at your habits.The most important aspect you should have in the work place in presentation in your effort and in yourself. I found this article very informative because I had no idea that businesses even started testing people to see if they smoke or cared that you smoked at all. Although some things may be out of your immediate control such as high blood pressure and glucose levels, you can take measures to improve your health in the long run with choosing a healthier lifestyle, not only for yourself but for your job.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
National Initiatives Essay
Many national initiatives have been developed over the years as society becomes more progressive and tolerant, the results of these legislative regulation at every level from international law all the way down to individual practice policy have an effect on anti-discriminatory practice in health and social care systems Conventions and fundamental and regulation European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms 1950 Article 14 in this convention concerns discrimination and prohibits discrimination based on many different factors such as Race, Sex, Age etc. It also can extend to protect against discrimination of different sexual orientation and legal rights of people under national law. In terms of Health and social care and anti-discriminatory practice this Article is very important as it sets the basis for a non-discriminatory Health a Social care System. This article states in essence that by and large everyone has the right to be treated without being discriminated against for any illogical reason such as a person not being treated because they mentally Ill. It should mean also that more health professionals cannot be hired based on discrimination from the employer against other applicants. E.G a dental practice picks a Caucasian applicant over an Asian Applicant based purely on their own prejudice against Asian people. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 This act dictates that men and women are protected by law from being discriminated against on the bases of their sex or marital status. This act gives men and women the rights to the same level of treatment by health professionals and to attain the same positions as one another. This makes a more diverse workforce and in health & social care which is a diverse environment, this is a good thing. Codes of Practice and Charters Codes of practice are enforced by individual practices and Healthcare Centres, These are all similar in most respects but usually are specified to the practice itself. For example a Dentist and a Hospital for the mentally infirm will have different codes of practice due to the complete difference in patient, treatment and the overall healthcare plan. But this show’s just some of the benefits and uses of practice codes in healthcare as it allows room for maximum patient care. These codes of practice however generally address what is considered to be discrimination in the practice and what sanctions follow if any of these codes are broken. This helps to ensure that all employees are aware what discriminatory practice is and this allows no excuse when discriminatory practice is carried out by and employee. Organisational Policies and procedures Organisational policies and procedures affect various things in health & social care including positive promotion of individual rights, advocacy, staff development and training, complaints procedures, confidentiality. Promoting individual rights Individual rights cover a large range of rights and good organisational policies cover the protection of these against discrimination. People’s individual rights in the health and social system must be protected against any infringement on them e.g. their personal beliefs. Advocacy An advocate is someone who stand’s in the place of and speaks for someone who is not able to represent themselves, e.g. an advocate for a mental patient or a child. This person is responsible for said person and should only act in their best interests. Advocates promote anti discriminatory practice by giving a voice to those without one, stopping discrimination based on lack of social ability. Staff development and training It is essential that staff are trained properly in anti-discriminatory practice, this allows them to develop as professional’s with a duty to uphold the rights of individuals and to work against discrimination where seen. Complaints procedures and confidentiality Complaints procedures must be followed up quickly and efficiently as any possible discrimination must be investigated and also that complaints processed properly can make for improvements in the delivery of healthcare. Patient’s confidentiality must be kept at all times as any illness is private to whomever has it. National initiatives are in place for a reason, practices are still working every day to promote anti-discriminatory practice, the idea to produce an equal, quality and efficient healthcare system that works for everyone is still not a complete reality but with more initiatives and good practice it could be.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Free Essays on Our Waters...
One natural resource that we as people take great advantage of is water. Water is a resource we use each and every day, and the one thing about water is that we can’t create it. Sure, we can develop devices that can purify water and make it suitable for drinking but we can develop a substitute for it. Water is an ever-recycling resource, which means we have to do everything possible to keep our waters clean. We trust the quality of lake water enough to swim in it, but not enough to drink it. Along the same line, drinking water can be used for irrigation, but water used for irrigation may not meet drinking water standards. It is the quality of the water that determines its use and if we continue to pollute our waters, it may not be used at all. There are many ways in which our water can be polluted, but it can be narrowed down to two sources: direct and indirect contaminate sources. Pollutant can also broadly classified into organic, inorganic, radioactive and acid/base. Direct sources are commons sourced such as sewage outfalls from factories, refineries, waste treatment plants, etc. that emit fluids of varying quality directly into our urban water supplies. The United States is one of few countries that has regulation protecting our waters but that does not necessarily mean our waters can’t still be contaminated by pollutants. Indirect sources include contaminates that enter our water supplies may come from groundwater systems and from our atmosphere by means of rainwater. Soils and groundwater contain the remains of human agricultural practices (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) and improper disposal of industrial wastes. Atmospheric contaminates are also resulting from human practices such as gaseous emissions from automobiles, factories, and even bakeries. The effects of water pollution are varied. They may and will include poisonous drinking waters, poisonous food animals (due to these organisms having bioaccumulated t... Free Essays on Our Waters... Free Essays on Our Waters... One natural resource that we as people take great advantage of is water. Water is a resource we use each and every day, and the one thing about water is that we can’t create it. Sure, we can develop devices that can purify water and make it suitable for drinking but we can develop a substitute for it. Water is an ever-recycling resource, which means we have to do everything possible to keep our waters clean. We trust the quality of lake water enough to swim in it, but not enough to drink it. Along the same line, drinking water can be used for irrigation, but water used for irrigation may not meet drinking water standards. It is the quality of the water that determines its use and if we continue to pollute our waters, it may not be used at all. There are many ways in which our water can be polluted, but it can be narrowed down to two sources: direct and indirect contaminate sources. Pollutant can also broadly classified into organic, inorganic, radioactive and acid/base. Direct sources are commons sourced such as sewage outfalls from factories, refineries, waste treatment plants, etc. that emit fluids of varying quality directly into our urban water supplies. The United States is one of few countries that has regulation protecting our waters but that does not necessarily mean our waters can’t still be contaminated by pollutants. Indirect sources include contaminates that enter our water supplies may come from groundwater systems and from our atmosphere by means of rainwater. Soils and groundwater contain the remains of human agricultural practices (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) and improper disposal of industrial wastes. Atmospheric contaminates are also resulting from human practices such as gaseous emissions from automobiles, factories, and even bakeries. The effects of water pollution are varied. They may and will include poisonous drinking waters, poisonous food animals (due to these organisms having bioaccumulated t...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Definition of the Liberalism Ideology
Definition of the Liberalism Ideology Liberalism is a view of leadership based on principles of freedom and equality. Liberals promote ideologies such as free and fair elections, human rights, allowing freedom to the mass media, free world trade, and right to life and own property. This political philosophy became popular around the year 1815, following Napoleon’s defeat.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Definition of the Liberalism Ideology specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The removal of tariff barriers and promotion of free trade gave birth to a new order. People fiercely rejected notions such as inheritance of power and creation of absolute monarchs, thereby, creating fertile grounds for the rise of Liberalism. Rawls explains that Liberalism depends on the legitimacy of political power. He said that, leaders ought to exercise their powers in the right manner by adhering to those principles that enhance cooperation in society and encourage collec tive decision making in matters affecting the citizens He further explains that, in a liberal society, the state ought to exercise its powers in agreement to everyone bound by it. Rawls also claims that the correct social rules are conventional. The generation of wealth is the collective duty of every member of the society, and rules of justice only seek to enhance the ownership and distribution of these resources. From this idea, Rawls came up with his view of justice which he summed up in three forms. First, he says adherence to justice is a moral duty drawn in the constitution. Second, that agreeing to a form of political organization does not disregard present doctrine but is a reasonable creation of the basic structure which enhances these doctrines. Lastly, justice depends on principles that promote democracy in a society. Moreover, the basic structures of a society depend on institutions which oversee the rights of citizens and the distribution of the benefits that accrue fro m their social endeavors. The major issue behind this is that, to come up with controls that exceed the limits of the political, social and economic life, waters down aspect of respecting one’s freedom and equality in a democratic society. In comparison to the status quo, liberalism stands out for its strong stand on observing human rights and equality. It observes and tries to offset any forms of social injustice and economic inequalities regarding a country’s resources. It assures citizens of equality as structured in the constitution.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More There is no form of discrimination regarding educational and economic opportunities. It also enhances equitable distribution of resources to every citizen in a non-bias manner. This way, the underprivileged easily rise to high positions in society. Status quo disregards equality, since only a fe w people have access to most of the resources while the majority has to share the little that remains. Liberalism has its limitations. It creates a situation where the citizens rely so much on their government to solve their problems. Situations where this lacks, results in mass panic and protests, and also individual talents are not fully exploited. In addition, in the context of the free world trade, poor countries are often at a loss. Their local industries stagnate due to the influx of cheap imports. Liberalism’s way of addressing social issues finds favor in many people. It emphasizes equal opportunity to all regardless of one’s social status. In addition, it promotes political freedom, provides economic facilities to its citizens, and creates social opportunities, guarantees transparency, and security so that people get the opportunity to develop themselves and their society. This way, the less privileged easily rise in status, thereby, creating a harmonized soci ety. It widens the people’s choices and their well-being and spreads wealth. In conclusion, lessons from liberalism are fascinating. It offers a safe and sure way to address the world’s problems of social injustices and inequality and should, therefore, be promoted.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Aristotle Essay Research Paper AristotleAristotle was a
Aristotle Essay, Research Paper Aristotle Aristotle was a Grecian philosopher, pedagogue, and scientist. He was one of the greatest and most influential minds in Western civilization. He familiarized himself with the full development of Greek thought predating him. In his ain Hagiographas, Aristotle considered, summarized, criticized, and farther developed all the rational tradition that he had inherited from his instructor, Plato. Aristotle was the first philosopher to analyse the procedure whereby certain propositions can be logically inferred to be true from the fact that certain other propositions are true. He believed that this processor logical illation was based on a signifier of statement he called the syllogism. In a syllogism, a proposition is argued or logically inferred to be true from the fact that two other propositions are true. Aristotle besides believed in a # 8220 ; Philosophy of nature # 8221 ; . In this he believed the most dramatic facet of nature was alteration. He even defined the doctrine of nature in his book # 8220 ; Physics # 8221 ; , as the survey of things that change. Aristotle argued that to understand alteration, a differentiation must be made between the signifier and affair of a thing. He is even the adult male given recognition for the thought of â€Å"matter†and â€Å"form†. Aristotle # 8217 ; s doctrine of nature includes psychological science and biological science. In # 8220 ; On the Soul # 8221 ; , he investigated the assorted map of the psyche and the relationship between the psyche and the organic structure. Aristotle was the universe # 8217 ; s first great life scientist. He gathered huge sums of information about the assortment, construction, and behaviour of animate beings and workss. Aristotle died in 400 BC go forthing many great plants and thoughts behind him. From about 500 Ad to 1100 AD cognition of Aristotle # 8217 ; s doctrine was about wholly lost in the West. During this period, it was preserved by Arabic and Syrian bookmans who reintroduced it to the Christian civilization of Western Europe in the 1100 # 8217 ; s and 1200 # 8217 ; s. Aristotle enjoyed enormous prestigiousness during this clip. To some of the taking Christian and Arabic bookmans of the Middle Ages, Aristotle writings seemed to incorporate the sum sum of human cognition. Aristotle # 8217 ; s authorization has declined since the Middle Ages, but many philosophers of the modern period owe much to him. The extent of Aristotle # 8217 ; s influence is hard to judge, because many of his thoughts have been absorbed into the linguistic communication of scientific discipline and doctrine.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Feed R&D Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Feed R&D - Essay Example Ray is quite not ready to outsource the R & K technology and thinks that the company is going to collapse after outsourcing the R & K (Nohria 2005). The company RLK Media has another option of procuring the software engineering skills from a skilled and expert company. Ray gives opinion of appointing the best persons from the market for his support in the innovation but the company is not in a position to endure higher expenses that are related to the option of Ray. Lars can procure the software engineering services from Inova, which is an Indian firm for the expansion of R & D. on the other hand, the technology of R & K can also be outsourced as the chairman of the company wants (Nohria 2005). Outsourcing is not a good option for the company, as there are chances of collapsing of the company. The procurement of software engineering services is a good solution for the company. Lars who is working in RLK Media as a CEO of the company was going through a hard process of decision making concerning feeding R & D or just farming it out, as is explained in the case study (Nohria 2005). The company RLK Media was famous because of its innovations but at this juncture, they are not getting positive response from the customer, as there are no new innovations by the company. Ray Kelner was the founder of RLK Media and was also the chief scientist of the company, as he was the major contributor in the innovations (Nohria 2005). Ray was experimenting with headset technology. Customers were attracted towards the products by RLK Media because of the innovations that they come up with their products (Nohria 2005). The chairman of RLK Media, Keith Herrington was very disappointed because of the company’s current situation and the unresponsiveness of customers for RLK Media’s products. According to his opinion, Lars was required to outsource R & K. on
Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5
Environment - Essay Example These gases cause damage to the world’s flora and fauna. In addition, air pollution causes the following diseases; asthma, bronchitis, lung cancer and allergies. The use of Chlorofluorocarbons commonly referred to as CFCs is also responsible for air pollution (Khopkar 65). These gases deplete the ozone layer which protects the earth from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun. This has largely contributed to global warming. Water pollution is another form of environmental pollution that the world is facing. Factories continue to channel their waste products into various water bodies like rivers and lakes. This has affected marine life. People in rural areas still bathe in rivers. This leads to water pollution and makes this water unsafe for human consumption. There are also other forms of environmental pollution that are damaging Mother Nature at an alarming rate. Noise pollution, light pollution and soil pollution are among them. Noise pollution is caused by cars, aircrafts, horns, noise from factories and loudspeakers. However, research has shown that motor vehicles contribute to about 90% of noise pollution (Khopkar 76). Soil pollution, on the other hand, is caused by acidic rain, the use of fertilizers and contaminated water. These substances contain heavy metals, chlorinated hydrocarbons, pesticides, hydrocarbons and herbicides which pollute the soil. One of the major effects of environmental pollution is global warming. Global warming is caused by the continued emission of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide. The effects of global warming include; rising sea level and melting of polar ice caps. This has put the lives of the people living along the coastal areas in danger. Through environmental pollution, the ozone layer is continually being depleted. Human activities such as the release of CFC cause the depletion of the ozone layer. The sun’s ultraviolet rays are believed to cause skin cancer. Due to the continued use of
In what ways and due to which factors do migrants experiences of home Essay
In what ways and due to which factors do migrants experiences of home change when they leave their homelands - Essay Example figures, the World Bank (2014) reported that the 900,000 net migration in the United Kingdom is significantly lower as compared to the 5,000,002 net migration in the United States. Each person has their own reasons for migrating to another place or another country (Bailey, 2008, p. 3). Among the common reasons for migrating are better work or employment opportunities (Parutis, 2014; Dako-Gyeke, 2013; Appave, 2008, p. 151; Bean, Gonzalez-Baker and Capps, 2001, pp. 669 - 703), adoption, marriage, retirement, or the need to accompany ageing parents (Appave, 2008, p. 151; Wray and Bartholomew, 2006). Specifically the main purpose of this essay is to discuss the migrants’ experiences of homeland change when they move abroad, and identify all factors that encourage migrants to leave their homelands. As part of going through discussion, the main purpose of this essay will be applied in the case of the United Kingdom and the United States. In general, people’s experiences of their homeland change when they move abroad differ from one another. In most cases, the race and cultural identity of migrants tend to have strong effects on their overall experiences when they move abroad (Silva, 2009; Valdivia et al., 2008). In relation to homeland change, some immigrants may experience â€Å"cultural displacement†(Malkki, 1992, p. 25). It means that the cultural practices or religious beliefs of the immigrants tend to be totally different from the cultural practice or religious belief that is commonly being practiced by people who live in the country where they have decided to move. Even though there are some migrants who end up having a better life when they move to either the United States or the United Kingdom, some migrants may have a bad experience particularly with regard to cultural adjustment (Dako-Gyeke, 2013; Gupta and Ferguson, 1992). For example, when migrants move to either the United Kingdom or Unit ed States, it is expected that these people would experience
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Comparison Paper about three works of art that depict a common theme Essay
Comparison Paper about three works of art that depict a common theme or subject in distinct and different ways - Essay Example pression with the Egyptian focus on content and developed an artistic approach intended to inspire and celebrate their cultural and individual achievements. The art of the Middle Ages sought to replace the Paganism of the fallen Roman Empire with themes of Christian religious myths, giving the practice of art religious, political and educational purposes. This gave way to the explosion of art during the Renaissance which was inspired by the re-discovery of ancient art forms and practices (Gombrich, 1995). This skip through history illustrates how art can be used for many purposes and is often inspired or developed to build on the past. These ideas can be found in a comparison of paintings created on a similar theme such as Boticelli’s â€Å"Birth of Venus,†Titian’s â€Å"Venus of Urbino†and Edouard Manet’s â€Å"Olympia,†all of which seek to reflect and define their culture’s conception of beauty and expectations of the female gende r ideal. The period of the Renaissance is generally recognized as occurring between 1300 and 1500 in Italy. In the years between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the birth of the Renaissance, artworks typically had a very religious theme, focusing almost exclusively on figures from the Bible. With the discovery of some of the classic art and architecture of Rome, there was renewed interest in the deities that had once been important to these people. Venus, the goddess of love, was reborn in statues and paintings throughout this period. Perhaps one of the most well-known of these resurrections is Botticelli’s â€Å"Birth of Venus†(1485). Although this wasn’t the first image of Venus created during the Renaissance, Botticelli chose to display Venus in the nude in deliberate reference to her classical poses. However, he is wisely not so blatant as to have her standing with no discretion. In Botticelli’s highly Christianized society, the only nudes generally acce pted by the powers that be were Adam, Eve or the crucified
Encouragement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Encouragement - Essay Example So let me clarify once and for all; your objectives are to attain and execute the highest level of scholarship, character, community service, and leadership. When I say scholarship, I do not mean a Fulbright Scholarship. Well, it’s nothing less than a privilege to have one, but i mean to talk about scholarship in a more generic and holistic sense. You need to be a scholar, or at least act out as one till you become one. As they say, â€Å"Fake it till you make it.†It’s not THAT difficult, you’ve got to trust me on that one. When it comes to achieving big goals, it’s the little things that matter. Sleep less, workout more, eat moderately, think positively†¦so remotely connected to scholarship as all this appears, it is just as much intrinsically linked with scholarship. And not just with scholarship, but also with character building. To build your character, you need to reflect. Make it a regular practice. Don’t go to sleep until you have reflected upon your day’s experiences. You’d realize and learn more. And hopefully, you would be able to apply more. You’d literally s ense the process of becoming a more responsible son/daughter, sibling, citizen, and in the long run, spouse, and parent. â€Å"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth†(Ali cited in Rivanna Natural Designs, 2013). You would be a living legend many would cherish and adore. But all this would not come just from character building, you would actually have to do some community service to be there. And when I say â€Å"some community service†, that means â€Å"a lot of it†. Community service can be done even by sowing a seed, by watering a plant, and by sharing the fruit of your own grown tree with others. You can get motivation to do community service by having a firm belief that you would receive what you send around. â€Å"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give†(Churchill cited in Lycoming College, 2011). Whether or not
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
In what ways and due to which factors do migrants experiences of home Essay
In what ways and due to which factors do migrants experiences of home change when they leave their homelands - Essay Example figures, the World Bank (2014) reported that the 900,000 net migration in the United Kingdom is significantly lower as compared to the 5,000,002 net migration in the United States. Each person has their own reasons for migrating to another place or another country (Bailey, 2008, p. 3). Among the common reasons for migrating are better work or employment opportunities (Parutis, 2014; Dako-Gyeke, 2013; Appave, 2008, p. 151; Bean, Gonzalez-Baker and Capps, 2001, pp. 669 - 703), adoption, marriage, retirement, or the need to accompany ageing parents (Appave, 2008, p. 151; Wray and Bartholomew, 2006). Specifically the main purpose of this essay is to discuss the migrants’ experiences of homeland change when they move abroad, and identify all factors that encourage migrants to leave their homelands. As part of going through discussion, the main purpose of this essay will be applied in the case of the United Kingdom and the United States. In general, people’s experiences of their homeland change when they move abroad differ from one another. In most cases, the race and cultural identity of migrants tend to have strong effects on their overall experiences when they move abroad (Silva, 2009; Valdivia et al., 2008). In relation to homeland change, some immigrants may experience â€Å"cultural displacement†(Malkki, 1992, p. 25). It means that the cultural practices or religious beliefs of the immigrants tend to be totally different from the cultural practice or religious belief that is commonly being practiced by people who live in the country where they have decided to move. Even though there are some migrants who end up having a better life when they move to either the United States or the United Kingdom, some migrants may have a bad experience particularly with regard to cultural adjustment (Dako-Gyeke, 2013; Gupta and Ferguson, 1992). For example, when migrants move to either the United Kingdom or Unit ed States, it is expected that these people would experience
Encouragement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Encouragement - Essay Example So let me clarify once and for all; your objectives are to attain and execute the highest level of scholarship, character, community service, and leadership. When I say scholarship, I do not mean a Fulbright Scholarship. Well, it’s nothing less than a privilege to have one, but i mean to talk about scholarship in a more generic and holistic sense. You need to be a scholar, or at least act out as one till you become one. As they say, â€Å"Fake it till you make it.†It’s not THAT difficult, you’ve got to trust me on that one. When it comes to achieving big goals, it’s the little things that matter. Sleep less, workout more, eat moderately, think positively†¦so remotely connected to scholarship as all this appears, it is just as much intrinsically linked with scholarship. And not just with scholarship, but also with character building. To build your character, you need to reflect. Make it a regular practice. Don’t go to sleep until you have reflected upon your day’s experiences. You’d realize and learn more. And hopefully, you would be able to apply more. You’d literally s ense the process of becoming a more responsible son/daughter, sibling, citizen, and in the long run, spouse, and parent. â€Å"Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth†(Ali cited in Rivanna Natural Designs, 2013). You would be a living legend many would cherish and adore. But all this would not come just from character building, you would actually have to do some community service to be there. And when I say â€Å"some community service†, that means â€Å"a lot of it†. Community service can be done even by sowing a seed, by watering a plant, and by sharing the fruit of your own grown tree with others. You can get motivation to do community service by having a firm belief that you would receive what you send around. â€Å"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give†(Churchill cited in Lycoming College, 2011). Whether or not
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Akita Ranga artist Essay Example for Free
The Akita Ranga artist Essay â€Å"Dutch Learning†results to the proliferation of the Akita Ranga art school in Japan (Johnson 2005). The artists of the Akita Ranga tradition are influenced by the illustrations found in western books. The prevalence of Western books happened during the Tokugawa period wherein Japan undergone a national isolation. Nevertheless, trade with the Dutch are permitted. The Dutch bring with them books and information from the western world. Hiraga Gennai, a multitalented individual and has a wide variety of Dutch books collections was invited by Satake Shozen to Akita. This invitation led to a meeting between Odano Naotake, a resident of Akita, and Gennai. Gennai â€Å"taught Naotake techniques of Western-style painting, particularly chiaroscuro and the technique of shading†(Freedman and Hernandez 1998). Also, Hiraga Gennai thought Odano Naotake â€Å"how to delineate objects by lightness and darkness of color, rather than by line alone as was customary Japanese painting†(Keene 1969). Naotake succeeded in incorporating Western-styles and Japanese traditions in his artworks. Naotake studied human proportions in the book Groot Schilderboek by Lairesse. He learned about the Western perspective through looking into science books’ illustrations. Thus, upon the production of the first Western book translated to Japanese, â€Å"The New Book of Anatomy†by Sugita Genpaku and coworker, Naotake was chosen to illustrate the anatomical charts (Keene, 1969). Works Cited: Johnson, H. Western Influence on Japanese Art: The Akita Ranga Art School. Hotei Publishing. 2005. Freedman, K. J. and Hernandez, F. Curriculum, Culture, and Art Education: Comparative Perspectives. SUNY Press. 1998 Keene, D. The Japanese Discovery of Europe, 1720-1830. Stanford University Press. 1969.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Southern Chesapeake and Northern New England Colonies
Southern Chesapeake and Northern New England Colonies  Cody Palladino The Colonial Paper During the end of the 16th century into the 17th century, European nations briskly colonized the freshly discovered Americas. One country we know of today as England back then sent out massive amounts of groups to the North Americas, this was then separated into two regions known as new England and Chesapeake areas. Later in the 1700s the new England and Chesapeake areas would unite to become a single nation. From the very begging these two areas had many different ways of settling but struggled in similar ways. This essay will go through and explain what there many different methods were and also compare the historic process of settlement and developments were. These similarities and differences that is going to be talked about during this essay is the very reason why the settlers came to the new world such as for land, labor and religion. The colonies were affected in many ways including socially, economically, and politically. The northern New England colonies and the Southern Chesapeake colonies had very different way of settling one of the differences were the land that they had settled on. For the Chesapeake colony, their major interest was in large lands that covered a vast area, including Plymouth, Massachusetts bay, Rhode Island and many more. These areas were in which the Chesapeake were mainly interested in. For the New England settlers were interested in mining mainly of gold and silver. They had hoped that in finding these riches that it would help them in their trading actives. The Chesapeake wanted to find a passage to northwest Asia so it would promote better trading. They were also on a hunt to find a cure for the disease syphilis on the mission in the land. Anything that the Chesapeake found meaningful and possible valuable on the land they would gather and put up for trade in Europe. For the New England settler, they had a different approach for settling of the land. There concerns were for the artisan industries which included printing, carpentry and shipbuilding. As for their concerns, they wanted to find material on the land in which could help them develop the artisan industry better. They also had some similarities when they settled on their land. First when both the Northern New England and the Southern Chesapeake colonies had settled and their land they were both populated by the English, this also meant that both colonies had counited to retain dominance in English culture. Another way they both colonies struggled in similar ways were due to the Powhatan Indians in the book Visions Of America a History of the United States by Jennifer D. Keene she states once the Indians realized that the English were not temporary visitors merely interested in trade, but were intending to settle permanently in the region, relations between the two peoples deteriorated(36). Both colonies faced conflict with Native Americans in their areas leading to the Pequot war for New E ngland colony and the Powhatan Confederacy fot the Southern Chesapeake colony. Labor was also a major mission for both the New England and Chesapeake settlers in America. For the Southern Chesapeake region, their land was merely all swampy and not good conditions at all for growing crops. But five years later after settling they caught on to the discovery of tobacco. This crop did extremely well in the condition of their land and flourished in the swamp lands. They used cheap labor in the crop fields, they also made and new type of work service where if and person wanted a free passage to America than they offered them to work for them for free for about five or so years and after your term is complete than you got a bonus of usually a 50-acre plot of land which they could use to produce their own crop usually tobacco. For the New England colony, their region did not consist of huge farm lands, most settlers of New England mainly relied on moderately small farms and also other types of industry work for example printing and carpentry. Since the New England c olony were a home based industry they had no need to hire labor because the family was usually sufficient enough to provide the labor needed to complete the work. As a contrasting point the New England colony does not care for slavery being developed as such for the Chesapeake region they relied heavily on the people who wanted a free passage to America and slavery from the Spaniards and later form African Americans. Both the colonies also brought groups of people from all over England in spite for a better life in the North Americas. Religion was also another difference among the Northern New England and Sothern Chesapeake area, but there was also some similarities with religion as well between the two colonies. For the New England settlers, there religion was mainly composed of puritan separatists in which they were seeking religious freedom. The church of England did split from Catholicism the main religion at the time of Henry VIII. This resulted the major religion to be Protestantism. For the Chesapeake region in the book Visions Of America a History of the United States by Keene she states although he envisioned his colony as a haven for catholic, Calvert knew that its economic success depended on attracting laborers, so the colony would need to be equally hospitable to Protestants. Maryland therefore afforded religious freedom to all Christians(41). This basically explains the reason why there was so much religious freedom for the Chesapeake area due to the labors need to farm their land. Most of their simi larity fall under how they did not have one religion no matter how much New England was trying to converge everyone over to a single religion. All in all, the southern Chesapeake colonies and the Northern New England colonies had many different way of settling and running their colony. Both of these colonies also had a similar goal looking for land with better social, economic, and political freedom. As we could see the differences was in which each colony used their land to grow and have a strong economical stands. Both they ran into some similarities with the Native Americans and also with diseases they and encountered and were trying to cure. Their religion was also noticeable different as well due to one colony wanting no diversity in religion and the other having religious freedom. It can also be noticed that both colonies had similar missions but were opposite in which the land they settled on. Work Cited Keene, Jennifer D., et al. Visions of America: a History of the United States. 3rd ed., vol. 1, Boston, Pearson, 2017.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Social Security :: essays research papers
Social Security The purpose of this paper is to analyze social security so as to show the reader what makes it beneficial to us today. . Throughout my life the words social and security have meant little more to me than the representation of a small blue card in my wallet, a consistent and increasingly significant deduction of funds from my weekly pay-check, and a vague academically-instilled recollection of the potential for long-term future benefit. In fact, it was not until I researched pertinent material for this particular project that I truly learned how markedly beneficial social security will be after my eventual retirement. Reflecting on precisely how ignorant I had been to the issue prior to my investigation, I realized a tragic irony which exists quite commonly within our society today; young people are not taught to save for retirement. I think that many of my friends do not even think much of saving for their college graduation, let alone for their retirement. Eventually, however, most of us will reach a point in our lives where work shall come to an end, yet the existence of living expenses will not. Social security, many of us find out; will provide us with a monthly check at this point. What we do not realize, however, is that this amount is not intended to be used as our sole source of income. Unfortunately, the tragic irony is that many of us reach retirement and realize too late how impossible it would be to live by no other means except social security. The reality is, that the program is but one benefit, one addition, and one financial supplement. Its intent is to be combined with other savings, IRA's, retirement funds and the like. Many senior citizens retire not fully realizing this and consequently, they are forced to seek part-time employment to supplement their income. This defeats the purpose of retirement all together. Since people often expect social security to pay for all or most of their living expenses, the disappointment that comes with retirement leads them to maintain negative feelings against the social security program which is actually at no fault whatsoever. Once you have reached your retirement age you must notify your employer and the government agency responsible for paying you benifits. This is the Social Security Administration. Arrangements must be made to carry private health insurance over into retirement, and applications must be filed for government health coverage. While social security is of great financial benefit to retirees, it must not be mistaken as a financial entity on which people can live without any other sources of income or savings. Social Security :: essays research papers Social Security The purpose of this paper is to analyze social security so as to show the reader what makes it beneficial to us today. . Throughout my life the words social and security have meant little more to me than the representation of a small blue card in my wallet, a consistent and increasingly significant deduction of funds from my weekly pay-check, and a vague academically-instilled recollection of the potential for long-term future benefit. In fact, it was not until I researched pertinent material for this particular project that I truly learned how markedly beneficial social security will be after my eventual retirement. Reflecting on precisely how ignorant I had been to the issue prior to my investigation, I realized a tragic irony which exists quite commonly within our society today; young people are not taught to save for retirement. I think that many of my friends do not even think much of saving for their college graduation, let alone for their retirement. Eventually, however, most of us will reach a point in our lives where work shall come to an end, yet the existence of living expenses will not. Social security, many of us find out; will provide us with a monthly check at this point. What we do not realize, however, is that this amount is not intended to be used as our sole source of income. Unfortunately, the tragic irony is that many of us reach retirement and realize too late how impossible it would be to live by no other means except social security. The reality is, that the program is but one benefit, one addition, and one financial supplement. Its intent is to be combined with other savings, IRA's, retirement funds and the like. Many senior citizens retire not fully realizing this and consequently, they are forced to seek part-time employment to supplement their income. This defeats the purpose of retirement all together. Since people often expect social security to pay for all or most of their living expenses, the disappointment that comes with retirement leads them to maintain negative feelings against the social security program which is actually at no fault whatsoever. Once you have reached your retirement age you must notify your employer and the government agency responsible for paying you benifits. This is the Social Security Administration. Arrangements must be made to carry private health insurance over into retirement, and applications must be filed for government health coverage. While social security is of great financial benefit to retirees, it must not be mistaken as a financial entity on which people can live without any other sources of income or savings.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Reversal of Male/Female Roles in Sister Carrie :: Sister Carrie Essays
Dreiser's Reversal of Male/Female Roles in Sister Carrie  The novel Sister Carrie seems to be the platform from which Dreiser explores his unconventional views of the genders. In the world of Sister Carrie, it would seem that the role of women as trusting, caring creatures, and men as scheming victimizers is reversed; it is Carrie that uses the men around her to get what she wants, and it is those men who are victimized by her. Thus Dreiser uses this novel as a means of questioning the popular notions of gender and the role that it plays in modern society.     In Sister Carrie, it would seem that Carrie, while outwardly benign, and possibly even deserving of her portrayal as sweet and innocent at the beginning, soon emerges as a ruthless predator in the guise of a helpless woman. From her relationship with Drouet, she manages to gain the experience and social skills to pursue higher aspirations. She seems to stay with Drouet only long enough to see that better things are available, comforts more extravagant than Drouet can provide, and cultural experiences and social nuances whose existence Drouet seems unaware of. Drouet, then, acts as a stepping stone for her. When he no longer has anything he can offer her, she drops him in favor of Hurstwood. In Hurstwood, Carrie sees all that lacks in Drouet--a more acute sense of culture and worldliness, and the wealth to explore the new wonders of civilized Chicago life.  Hurstwood serves as yet another step in her ladder to success, and when he sinks into poverty and self-disgrace after his divorce, she sees him as a no longer being an asset, and leaves him in favor of striking out on her own, leaving him to turn into a beggar, while she makes it big. Too, after she makes it big, and Drouet comes to see her, she can no longer see him as a friend worthy of her company, and in fact avoids ever seeing him again. The fact that she owes her success to Drouet and Hurstwood seems inconsequential to her. It would seem also at the end of her road to fame, when she is receiving social invitations from millionaires and famous figures, that she sees herself as being to good for any of them; she sees herself as being too good for the company of any man.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Health and Safety Assignment Essay
Question 1 The first statement is correct as lead is a highly intoxicated substance that can cause damage, especially in young children. There are many symptoms to lead poisoning which include: irritability, loss of appetite and nausea, headaches, unexplained abdominal pain, muscle aches, constipation, learning problems, short attention span, easily distracted, mental retardation and behaviour problems including aggression and impulsivity. As seen in the statement â€Å"this is disturbing because it has been well established that lead causes reduction in IQ scores, shortened concentration spans, hyperactivity and learning difficulties even when lead is present at very low levels in the blood†, it can be agreed that having lead in one’s system can cause damage to one’s concentration and learning abilities. Research has shown that raised levels of lead can lower a child’s IQ by 4-5%. see more:explain how to promote health and safety within the social care setting With regards to the second statement â€Å"painted toys with high lead levels have been found in major toy stores, as well as supermarkets, stationary stores, craft shops and craft/flea markets. These toys were both locally produced and imported†, it can be agreed on as lead can be found in many old housing and furniture pieces. It is also of great urgency that when purchasing toys and furniture from garage sales, internet, second-hand-stores etc. that one takes precautions in checking that there is not any lead as some may contain lead based paint, a simple way of knowing if it does is to buy a test kit to determine if lead based paint is present. Question 2 For a baby and toddler unit I would consider: Indoor: * Non-breakable mirrors to learn to see themselves. * Wooden cars for improving gross motor skills. * Rattles to improve their movement. * Plastic telephones to practise their speech. * Simple puzzles to improve their knowledge. * Large wooden beads to string to improve on their hand eye co-ordination. Outdoor: * Balls to improve on gross motor skills * Jungle gym to improve on their climbing abilities. For children aged 3-6 years I would consider: Indoor: * Puppets to improve on their dramatic skills. * Dress-up clothes to teach them the different type of career choices. * Art materials to improve their creative minds. * Books and puzzles to improve on their knowledge. Outdoor: * Tricycles and bikes to improve their balancing skills. * Jungle gyms to improve climbing. * Sand pits to do sensory knowledge, (touch and feel) Question 3 The way in which one would ensure that equipment which you purchased does not cause lead poisoning is by reading the labels on the purchased equipment making sure there is no lead contained in it, try prevent buying used toys and equipment from garage sales, internet, second-hand-stores as many old items may contain lead based paint. It is also advised that children go for screening to make sure no lead is present. Children are encouraged to practice regular hand washing and to keep their hands and other objects away from their mouths. Question 4 Birth – 4 months: at this stage the child eats, sleeps, cries rolls off flat surfaces and wriggles. They are hazardous to burns, falls, sharp objects and suffocation. 4 – 12 months : at this stage the child grasps and moves around as well as putting objects in their mouths. They are hazardous to burns, poisoning, falls and drowning. 1 – 2 years : at this stage the child is able to investigate, climb, open doors and takes thing apart. They are hazardous to being in contact with gates, windows and doors as they might get injured with their investigation minds, fingers might get stuck in door etc. also water is hazardous as they may drown, traffic as they now know how to walk. 2 – 3 years: at this stage the child is interested in fires, tires to do things by themselves and gets very impatient. They are hazardous to dangerous objects and burns. 3 – 6 years: at this stage the child lies to explore, climb, riding tricycles, rough games. They are hazardous to poisons and burns, falls and injuries, drowning and traffic. 6 – 10 years : at this stage the child like spending time away from home, active sports. They are hazardous to firearms, injuries from sports and drowning. Through this we can conclude that every one of these ages is vital as the developmental level can affect children’s safety and health and that they should never be left unsupervised and parents should know what to do in an emergency. Question 5 Air-borne transmission include in illnesses such as chickenpox, common cold, fifth disease, measles, mumps and tuberculosis. The measures one would take in these instances would be to identify the child with the illness and send them home, with antibiotics, the child should not be allowed to return to school until fully recovered. All these illnesses and the limitations of the spread apply to all age groups ( birth to grade 3) The faecal-oral route include cholera, rotavirus and ascariasis, can be spread through water, food and poor sewage, to limit the infection one needs to make sure water is clean, food is cooked properly and sewage is flushed away. Food only obtains to children who can eat solid foods, thus not referring to birth to 12 months. Direct and indirect include illnesses such as pinkeye, hand foot and mouth disease, cold sores, lice and ring worms. The measures one would take in these instances would be pinkeye: antibiotic treatment and sent home, continuous hand washing, hand foot and mouth disease sent home for several days and continuous hand washing. A cold sore child can stay at school but must was hands frequently. Lice, child should be sent home until lice is gone, hair must be washed with medicated shampoo. Ring worms, child should stay away from gyms, pools or activities where can be exposed and should use a fungal ointment. These limitations would all be considered to all age groups ( birth to grade 3 ) however gyms, pools etc would only obtain to the older children grade 1 – 3. Blood illnesses include AIDS and hepatitis B, the measures one would take for AIDS is excluding child of 0-5, and prevent anyone from touching the child blood, handle blood with surgical gloves, seal up blood infected items and disinfect surfaces with bleach. Hepatitis B one would also use precautions when handling blood and frequent hand wash is advised. REFERENCE: Marotz, L, 2009. Health, safety and nutrition for the young child. 76de uitgawe. Clifton park, NY: Thomason Delmar Learning
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Descartes’ statement Cogito Ergo Sum Essay
Cogito ergo sum. Scholars would recognize this issue of high debates even today, almost five hundred years after the words were uttered; though in the present most people in the world wouldn’t understand what it refers to. In 1641, Renà © Descartes published his â€Å"Meditations on First Philosophy,†in which his first meditation dismisses everything that he perceives as reality and posits that he is nothing more than a disembodied brain being manipulated by some outside source. In his second meditation, he questions if he is real. And the fact that he is able to ponder his reality leads him to the conclusion that â€Å"I think therefore I am†: Cogito ergo sum. His first meditation came to an end with the realization that there was no way to justify his sensual observations. He proceeds to say that in that case he will regard himself â€Å"as not having hands, eyes, flesh, blood, and senses- but as having the false belief†that he has all those things. However, in his second meditation, he questions his knowledge of everything beyond his sensory perception. He begins to argue with himself about if he actually exists. Does he have a body? But his first meditation dictates that he has no body. But if he has no body or vessel, does that mean he doesn’t exist? He concludes that he must exist because someone is constantly deceiving him. And if he is constantly being deceived, then there must be something that exists which is being deceived. I find that Descartes’ theories and meditations provide a fallacy of information for the student. If one were to watch the movie Abres Los Ojos, a psychiatrist who helps the protagonist to find out the truth about his own reality. In the end, the movie-watcher finds out that the entire movie was a dream. Yet, the psychiatrist tries to tell the protagonist it is not just a simple dream for several reasons, the first being that he exists and is being deceived. Here we have an instance that perfectly demonstrates that erroneous belief of Descartes’, Cogito ergo sum. If this psychiatrist is only figment of the protagonist’s imagination, then is the psychiatrist not being deceived? But if he is only the figment of an imagination, then how can he exist? There are no answers to these questions in Descartes’ second meditation. To further support my inclination, studying the Hindu dogma would lead us to believe that we are all manifestations of Brahma in a dream as he sleeps; as soon as Brahma is to wake up, we would all stop to exist. If we are to still believe Descartes’ theory, then we must discuss the question: What does it mean to have a real existence? To draw on my first example, does the psychiatrist exist? The psychiatrist was a manifestation of some part of the protagonist and existed in his dream, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the psychiatrist has a real existence. The psychiatrist must contemplate Descartes’ belief if he fights so hard for his own existence. In the movie Spider, a man rediscovers his past after spending the last 30-40 years in a mental institution. He relives his past when he is sent to a halfway house in his hometown. We are able to see his spiral into madness as his memories are perverted by himself. He decides that his father has killed his mother and replaced her with a local bar whore. He ends up figuring out that the woman he envisioned (and killed) was in actuality his mother with a mental masque that he projected onto her. In this situation, we must ask Descartes, who exists? The mother or the bar whore? To the protagonist, the bar whore exists and his mother is killed. However, to the protagonist’s father the woman his son sees as a bar whore is the same woman that he has been married to for almost fifteen years. But to the mind of the boy, it is no longer his mother. Furthermore, in another movie, eXistenZ, an entire universe is created for a game by plugging yourself into an organic computer. All the characters and people unique to that organic computer are now in question; do these characters exist? Are these characters real? To the gamer (the one plugged in), these people exist for the moment and only as long as they can be interacted with. This brings into question another philosophical debate of old: If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to here, does it make a sound? How do we know that things beyond our vision exist? Does everything that we can’t perceive with out senses still exist? We breathe air but we can’t see it, or taste it, much less hear or smell it. Thus we come back to Descartes’ first meditation: we don’t truly know what exists and we have no way of justifying our sensory perceptions. Through my own experiences, I posit that I exist because thought I don’t have total control over my surroundings, I can still cause ripples that will change my environment for myself or those who will come there at a later (indeterminate) time. Now to expand this theory, I believe that anything that can cause ripples in an environment exists. Consequently, most anything that we can perceive (and even more that we can’t) exist. Furthermore, just because a thing doesn’t think (for example: rocks, terra, tomatoes, ants) doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, or that it isn’t. My belief also goes for the lack of an existence. For instance, if all the oxygen were to suddenly and instantaneously transport to a different place then a huge vacuum would form in the previous location of all the oxygen. The sudden appearance of oxygen would crowd up the new location and may even force out something else that also exists because that movement also causes a ripple. The initial location of the oxygen would find someway of filling up that space and anything else that exists would be most likely pulled into that area and causing yet more ripples. This system not only provides for existence, it provides a way to check if something exists; simply check if it causes an effect that provides a temporary or continuous change on the environment, and even if it doesn’t provide a change that can be readily registered by your senses that doesn’t necessarily mean that a thing doesn’t exist (see oxygen example in preceding paragraph). The only things that are not included in this definition is brain density; no matter how dense it is, the brain will produce the same thought processes and consequently not exist. Descartes is ultimately wrong in his conclusion that thought and contemplation of existence proves existence. In that case, what is existence? Existence occurs when a ripple is formed to change an environment, and therefore close to everything has existence of some kind, if only primary ripple effects are observed.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Bubble Popping
â€Å"Aren’t you hot?†â€Å"Were you forced to put that on your head?†â€Å"How many scarves do you have?†These were all questions I had received upon making my decision to wear the hijab, or Muslim headdress. However, there was one question that had not been asked. The answer had been lounging in the back of my mind since July, dangling on the edge of my tongue and waiting to exercise. And finally, â€Å"Why do you wear that?†accompanied with a circular motion around the head. I looked up and found a boy staring back at me, wearing a genuine expression on his face, one of solemn curiosity. I had been preparing for this question for months, yet I did not want to launch into a 20-minute speech preaching about my religion, so I opted for a relatively simple answer. â€Å"I wear this,†pointing to my scarf, â€Å"because it’s a really important part of my religion. It represents modesty, so people won’t judge me by my body shape or appearance, but they’ll like me for my personality and character.†An uncomfortable silence followed. â€Å"Does that make sense?†I prodded. He smiled thoughtfully. â€Å"Yeah, it actually does.†I breathed a sigh of relief and a wave of satisfaction washed over me as I realized I had taken a huge step toward reaching my goal. More experiences similar to this one arose, yet one in particular seemed to clear away the uncertainty of my dreams and aspirations. Every Wednesday the Global Relief club would drive down to El Cajon, California and tutor Iraqi refugees at Emerald Middle School. It became my favorite day of the weekâ€â€the eager children waiting for us outside the classroom, the Arabic circulating around the room in rapid breaths, and the feeling of contentment I received when I knew I had helped someone. That Wednesday was different though. As we approached the regular classroom, I noticed a small girl standing alone against the wall, staring down at her sneakers. I walked over to her, smiled, and said hello. She replied back in a small voice, and from her accent, I deduced that she had recently immigrated. I knew I could never imagine what she had been through, but I immediately felt a connection to her. In that scared, self-conscious girl, I saw my previous self. Her name was Rana, and she had the quiet, nervous voice I had adapted when I started wearing the hijab. She avoided direct eye contact and almost all conversations that were not in Arabic. My constant attempts to engage her in conversation were dismissed. Communication with her was difficult. While I tutored her, we struggled to understand each other, but after experimenting a few Arabic words in a horrible accent, I managed to make her smile. I learned to say, â€Å"Is this right or wrong?†and â€Å"friend.†In retrospect, I learned many new Arabic words, but those held no hope with my terrible language skills. Instead, Rana taught me other things. By the end of the year, Rana was speaking English at a fast pace, and, laughing, I had to tell her to slow down so I could understand her. She bickered with young boys who were bothering her, and giggled with other girls her age. The same girl who was standing alone against the wall was now chattering away in the large group of kids that waited for us outside the classroom. I watched her grow, and in a way, Rana showed me how much I had grown in the past year as well. Coming from a Muslim background and wearing the hijab has had a lasting impact on who I am, and my dreams of who I wish to be. An ordinary engagement with a peer, a learning experience with a young girl, and the feelings that followed pushed me in the direction of helping others, breaking down barriers, and overcoming communication obstacles. I have learned to communicate with and relate to people who may not be in my immediate religious circle, yet have faced similar experiences of discovering identity and trying to fit in. After a long year of struggling to blend in with 2,500 students, I have not succeeded, yet this â€Å"failure†has benefited me in the long run. I am now not afraid of what people think of me, I can speak my opinions without stuttering, and I do not hesitate to make silly faces at friends across the classroom, just to earn a smile. At some point in each of our lives, we have stared up at the tall, intimidating walls of difference, contemplating the best way to jump, climb, or dig under them to make it to the other side. Some may walk away from these walls, ignoring wonderful opportunities to meet someone who may be different from them, but someone who, nonetheless, they may be able to form a connection with. Our ability to tear down these walls, break out of our molds, and communicate with and relate to others is what truly makes us unique, social beings, and I believe that, with the help of many, including Rana, I have succeeded.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Fonterra Ltd, a diary company in New Zealand Assignment
Fonterra Ltd, a diary company in New Zealand - Assignment Example The number of employees working for Fonterra is around 16800. The strategies adopted by the company are to make business in the emerging economies like China, Latin America and ASEAN; thus creating a strong presence. Optimizing the business of milk in New Zealand, protect the exports of milk exports in New Zealand by building integrated offshore milk pools, so that the higher value returns gets back to the country; focusing on creating quality product for its customers with special concern for mother and babies (Fonterra Ltd., 2011, pp.2-20). Computer fraud and abuse Accounting information system is a process by which the accounting of the company is done based on the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) by the use of the modern information technology. The Accounting Information System (AIS) of a company is composed of six main elements of the company, namely, people who will operate the system, procedure and instructions based on which the data is retrieved from different sources of the company, the related data which is very essential for the organization’s business practices, the required infrastructure for the information technology of the company so as to smoothly operate the system comprising of both the software and the hardware and lastly the internal controls so as to adopt security measures which will prevent the leakage of the sensitive data. Thus Fonterra can be exposed to the risk of fraud and abuse related to the theft of equipment, inventory or cash of the company. Even the fraud and abuse in the accounting information system of the company may result in false invoicing; payroll fraud arising out of the accounts made for directing the salary to a non-existing employee of the company; e-commerce frauds which have become very common now a days; for high level of outsourcing forgeries takes place on the ground of assets of the company being used for personal uses. If the employee of the company is not loyal then the risk of fraud a nd abuse of the company on the ground of accounting information system may lead to the disclosure of information and the intellectual property of Fonterra. Generally the fraud of a company usually occurs on the ground of poor internal control of the company. Thus Fonterra must take precautionary measures to tighten the internal control system of the company. If the items of the company is highly desirable the chances of forgery increases leading to fraud and abuse. Other reasons behind the occurrence of fraud and abuse of the company may arise from insufficient preventive measures and detection strategies having loop holes. The company should also know how to deal with the detection of the fraud; for example if a person is convicted of committing forgery in the company, just looking at the reputation of the company the concerned person is asked to resign. But in a situation like this civil or criminal action should be taken against the fraudster. Thus the fraud and abuse of the comp any generally arises from lack of strong internal control of the company. Since the AIS department is the heart and soul of the company, on the basis of which the company is able to carry out its operations. So, the personnel being appointed in the department of AIS should go through extensive interview process in order to appoint the most appropriate person for the concerned department. Fraud and abuse are ought to happen with the increase
Monday, October 7, 2019
Business Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words
Business Portfolio - Essay Example The essay "Business Portfolio" discusses the business concept of Herbal Medicine as an independent business which offers massage therapy and also sells homemade herbal products. To work as a massage therapist in a well-known spa clinic (as a part-time employee). I am particularly interested in specializing in Aromatherapy massage, hot stone massage, yoga and Pregnancy Massage. My current engagement in the Spa as a massage therapist would help me to gain the essential evidence to run my business successfully later on. To take up the job of a freelance massage therapist in my free time in local health spas in my region. This would enrich my experience and also provide me the much required financial support. To save a proportion of the income earned from these engagements and invest the saving to make a set up in my house for starting my business as an Herbal Medicine practitioner. To furnish the three rooms on the ground floor of my house and set them up as the massage center and the r etiring room. I have already been trading in homemade products from my place, which implies that my place has already gained popularity in the locality. I have a good customer base. Besides, there is no specialist herbal medicine therapist practicing in the locality. To make massage therapy accessible to the target market, such as, obese people, pregnant women, and women with the gynecological disorder, through routine massage schedules and also by conducting special workshops for people that belong to the lower income class. I also intend to provide service in the workshops delivered by the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) in London and its outskirts. I do not intend to limit my practice to some particular clients. However, I desire to put special attention on women and children, since I have found out through thorough research that there is a gap in the market in terms of facilities available to the female population in the low income group. Therefore, these areas have caught my sp ecial interest and the in-class discussion has
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Business Models and Planning Chapter Questions Assignment
Business Models and Planning Chapter Questions - Assignment Example Typically, business models undergo significant adaptation to immediate business environments. This means that managers can employ an appropriate business model to counteract changes brought by actions of competitors and other market forces. Technically, business models strive towards maximizing profits by optimizing interrelatedness of production inputs. Practically, outcomes of adopting a given business model remains uncertain. Some model innovations may yield successful outcomes while others may lead to failure. Based on chapter 4 on business model innovation, it is undeniable that companies use different approaches in trying to increase profitability. Despite the immense competitive pressure exerted by active model innovations, most changes in those models are still radical as opposed to being specific2. In many cases, a firm may adopt a correct model but lacks technical framework of articulating the model’s principles into its marketing lines. One definite relation between model innovation and profitability features in the aspect of value proposition. Value proposition becomes instrumental whenever product and service firms understand essential behaviors of consumers in potential markets. All model innovation processes adopts the notion that value proposition plays a significant role in influencing consumers’ purchase decisions3. Inclusion of a concise and appealing proposition statement will not only attracts customers’ attention but also convince a new consumer into purchasing a product or service. In order to appreciate the importance of value proposition in marketing, one should acknowledge the influence exerted by service-profit chain. This chain establishes the relationship between customer satisfaction and profitability. Supposedly, model innovation aims at enhancing corporate profitability by addressing the needs of stakeholders, which in this context comprise
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Criminology & Criminal Justice BSc Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
Criminology & Criminal Justice BSc - Essay Example The ultimate result of this frustration will lead to withdrawal of co-operation by the victim (Department of Justice 2009, p. 4). Therefore, the co-operation is necessary for the effectiveness of criminal justice system to ensure that it will lead to punishing the offender. Ensuring the credentials of the victim as genuine, does not necessarily mean, will usurp the rights of defendants as enshrined in the fundamental rights. In 1994 rights of victims were neglected badly. This is not the first time in the history of UK when the Liberty has called for greater objectives. According to Zedner (2007), a study reveals no conflict between the rights of defendants and the rights of victims (p. 265). Fair and just trials are the essence of criminal justice system. In order to ensure fair prosecution and to avoid miscarriage of justice, it is incumbent upon the law enforcers to protect the rights of defendants. Review of the European Convention on Human Rights indicates limited protection for victims. It is the duty of the police to provide protection to individuals in general and youngsters in specific from breaching of personal integrity. Failure to protect the victim, the authorities concerned will be held responsible as per law (Zedner 2007, p. 274). It would be in the fitness of things if victims should have more rights than those reflected in the Convention. The charter of victim first come to surface in the year 1990 and revised in the year 1996 clearly defined the fundamental rights of every victim of crime (Shapland 2000, p. 82). By all means, it can be considered a revolutionary step in the legal history of the United Kingdom. The existing Charter fulfils the expectation of a victim. According to Shapland (2000), in case of dissatisfaction, it permits the victim to lodge his or her complaint to an appropriate authority (p 83). Of course, the Charter of Victim is a well thought out document to address the issues and the difficulties faced by the
Friday, October 4, 2019
Social Studies Standards Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Studies Standards - Essay Example The national standards for social studies and the standards set for social studies by Washington state have much in common. The national standards broadly reflect a scenario where the rudimentary elements of the subject are highlighted. Also, the nature and scope of knowledge and skills for students in the different school grades that must be developed are provided (National Standards for Social Studies). The Washington state social studies standards are more specific to its region. It highlights the role of a citizen in society and his rights and responsibilities. It makes study of the constitution of the United States and the constitution of Washington State compulsory for students desirous of graduating from this state (Social Studies). Students in the early grades, middle grades and high school learn social studies in the context of their understanding and grasp. The level of learning and understanding naturally advance as the students scale higher up on the academic ladder, year by year. The students' understanding of the subject gives them greater awareness of their rights and responsibilities in society. Their knowledge of the locality as well as their state and the world at large and their interdependence, also become sharper. Their capability to think and address issues of local application and global importance also gain significantly. For instance, environment and the need to do something to reduce pollution are fresh in the minds of students (Wyoming Social Studies Content and Performance Standards). Social Studies Knowledge As mentioned earlier, the knowledge of social studies advance as students go up the academic grades. The basic knowledge of social studies is essential for every student. For students intending to pursue any branch of study where social studies play vital role like history and geology there is benefit in good score. For middle graders, an understanding that different scholars may interpret similar events in different ways may suffice. For high school students, it becomes necessary to demonstrate that historical knowledge and the concept of time are socially influenced constructions and the questions they raise need to be handled selectively according to the time they occurred (National Standards for Social Studies). Meaningful Learning A systematic and cohesive learning makes study of social studies interesting and meaningful. The student looks forward to such learning and his curiosity is heightened and satisfied step by step with each passing grade. Learning must be such that interest in the subject is awakened. The curriculum must be composed of not only contents but also the means of conveying the message. There must be good use of visuals, audiovisuals, group discussions and interactions with students. The use of computers and search engines like google and yahoo must be encouraged. Students must be given projects highlighting issues on social studies. It is great to note that use of pictures and words in a project enhance knowledge. There is a Chinese saying that one picture is as good as a thousand words. Conclusion As a subject, the indispensability of social studies cannot be overemphasized. It is not possible that one can do without it. Thanks to the technological advancements in communication and travel, the world has become a global
Thursday, October 3, 2019
Material Resource Planning Essay Example for Free
Material Resource Planning Essay A. what is Material Requirement Planning (MRP)? Material Requirements Planning is actually a tool for planning; mainly aimed at assembling all operations in a production system, in order to enable the supplier know the materials required by every unit of production and the associated time limits (Waldner, 2011). After knowing the product units required, it becomes possible to use Material Requirements Planning, to determine the materials that will be needed in the production of such products. The calculations of the material requirements and subsequent planning are enabled by computer software in most working and business organizations (Waldner, 2011). B. How Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) might be applied to: 1. The surgery suite of a hospital In a surgery suite of a hospital, Material Requirements Planning may be helpful in determining the type, amount, quality and quality of the materials required, for a specific number of a given type of surgery. Material requirements planning may be applied through grouping of various types of surgeries that are offered or required over specified duration or period of time (Waldner, 2011). After dividing the surgery suite into different surgery units, where specific types of surgeries are done, the number of every type of surgery required is then calculated. In each unit, Material Requirements Planning can be used to calculate the specifications of the materials that will be required to carry out a single surgery. Therefore, MRP is a vital aspect in this field, and it enhances planning for efficiency, effectiveness, and timeliness of surgery operations being carried out (Waldner, 2011). 2. Scheduling university classes University classes have to be scheduled in order to avoid appearance of different classes at the same time. Material Requirements Planning will be helpful in scheduling university classes, by making arrangements to ensure that every class is allocated its own time, and that, no other class appears within that particular time set for a specific class (Waldner, 2011). When scheduling classes, there is need for estimation of the materials required especially when making the budget (stationeries, equipments and other learning materials). For instance, after knowing what the class intends to do, MRP can be applied to determine the material requirements for each class (Waldner, 2011). 3. A chain of restaurants In a chain of restaurants, Material Requirements Planning will be important in separating the restaurants into single units, and to determine the materials, or any other necessities required for each restaurant. The only thing that is needed is to know the type of activity, or the product intended to be offered in each restaurant, and the associated specifications. This information will enable calculation of all the raw requirements for every restaurant to achieve the intended purpose, or come up with the intended products and services. Examples of the requirements that will be calculated include construction materials, food materials, and furnishing materials (Waldner, 2011). 4. Hotel renovations When renovating a hotel, there is need for planning of the materials required to carry out an effective and efficient renovation practice. Over-estimation or under-estimation of the materials required, will lead to either wastage of funds, or shortage of materials. Material Requirements Planning will actually help in coming up with planning process, which will see the whole project consume exact materials needed without wastage or shortage (Waldner, 2011). After knowing the kind of renovation required and the outcomes expected, Material Requirements Planning program can be used to calculated the exact quantity, quality, and price of the materials, and other requirements, that may be necessary to accomplish the whole renovation process. Material Requirements Planning, in this case, can be used to plan for labor and other physical materials necessary (Waldner, 2011).
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