Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Dna Is An Incredible Discovery That Changed The Entire World
What is DNA? We all know that DNA can be found in our blood and tissue, but we don’t really know about the history of it and what good it can do for crime investigations. DNA was discovered in 1953 by two young scientists named James Watson and Francis Crick’s. DNA is what basically makes us up and it can be found all around us. DNA has helped out the government throughout the years in many ways, such as helping them figure out who is responsible for such heinous acts of violence. All from when DNA was discovered, to DNA being the key component when it comes to solving crime investigations all over the world, DNA is an incredible discovery that changed the entire world and is still amazing today. Discovered in 1953, by James Watson and Francis Crick’s, DNA â€Å"The chemical that encodes instructions for building and replicating almost all living things†(pbs.org). Although these two great scientists made this great discovery it didn’t just come out the blue. In 1943, another scientist named Oswald Avery, proved what had been known as DNA. He stated that â€Å"DNA, a nucleic acid, carries genetic information, but no one knew how it worked†(pbs.org). Two other people that were of great help and contributed to the discovery of DNA were, Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins. They were both studying DNA and they used X-ray diffraction as their main tool. They used this method to make shadow picture out of it. Franklin was a very shy girl that liked to keep to herself. Without herShow MoreRelated The Impact of Ancient DNA Discovered in Siberia Essays1411 Words  | 6 PagesThe Impact of Ancient DNA Discovered in Siberia For many decades, there has been an overwhelming curiosity about what life was like before humans ruled the earth - back when life on land, off land, and even the very land itself was very different than it is today. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Part Three Chapter V Free Essays
string(336) " He ran at her and hit her in the face, exactly as he had wanted to when he had first seen her silly frightened expression; her glasses spun into the air and smashed against the bookcase; he hit her again and she crashed down onto the computer table she had bought so proudly with her first month’s wages from South West General\." V Ruth stood alone in her lamp-lit sitting room, continuing to grip the telephone she had just replaced in its cradle. Hilltop House was small and compact. It was always easy to tell the location of each of the four Prices, because voices, footfalls and the sounds of doors opening and shutting carried so effectively in the old house. We will write a custom essay sample on Part Three Chapter V or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ruth knew that her husband was still in the shower, because she could hear the hot water boiler under the stairs hissing and clanking. She had waited for Simon to turn on the water before telephoning Shirley, worried that he might think that even her request about the EpiPen was fraternizing with the enemy. The family PC was set up in a corner of the sitting room, where Simon could keep an eye on it, and make sure nobody was running up large bills behind his back. Ruth relinquished her grip on the phone and hurried to the keyboard. It seemed to take a very long time to bring up the Pagford Council website. Ruth pushed her reading glasses up her nose with a trembling hand as she scanned the various pages. At last she found the message board. Her husband’s name blazed out at her, in ghastly black and white: Simon Price Unfit to Stand for Council. She double-clicked the title, brought up the full paragraph and read it. Everything around her seemed to reel and spin. ‘Oh God,’ she whispered. The boiler had stopped clanking. Simon would be putting on the pyjamas he had warmed on the radiator. He had already drawn the sitting-room curtains, turned on the side lamps and lit the wood-burner, so that he could come down and stretch out on the sofa to watch the news. Ruth knew that she would have to tell him. Not doing so, letting him find out for himself, was simply not an option; she would have been incapable of keeping it to herself. She felt terrified and guilty, though she did not know why. She heard him jogging down the stairs and then he appeared at the door in his blue brushed-cotton pyjamas. ‘Si,’ she whispered. ‘What’s the matter?’ he said, immediately irritated. He knew that something had happened; that his luxurious programme of sofa, fire and news was about to be disarranged. She pointed at the computer monitor, one hand pressed foolishly over her mouth, like a little girl. Her terror infected him. He strode to the PC and scowled down at the screen. He was not a quick reader. He read every word, every line, painstakingly, carefully. When he had finished, he remained quite still, passing for review, in his mind, all the likely grasses. He thought of the gum-chewing forklift driver, whom he had left stranded in the Fields when they had picked up the new computer. He thought of Jim and Tommy, who did the cash-in-hand jobs on the sly with him. Someone from work must have talked. Rage and fear collided inside him and set off a combustive reaction. He strode to the foot of the stairs and shouted, ‘You two! Get down here NOW!’ Ruth still had her hand over her mouth. He had a sadistic urge to slap her hand away, to tell her to fucking pull herself together, it was he who was in the shit. Andrew entered the room first with Paul behind him. Andrew saw the arms of Pagford Parish Council onscreen, and his mother with her hand over her mouth. Walking barefoot across the old carpet, he had the sensation that he was plummeting through the air in a broken lift. ‘Someone,’ said Simon, glaring at his sons, ‘has talked about things I’ve mentioned inside this house.’ Paul had brought his chemistry exercise book downstairs with him; he was holding it like a hymnal. Andrew kept his gaze fixed on his father, trying to project an expression of mingled confusion and curiosity. ‘Who’s told other people we’ve got a stolen computer?’ asked Simon. ‘I haven’t,’ said Andrew. Paul stared at his father blankly, trying to process the question. Andrew willed his brother to speak. Why did he have to be so slow? ‘Well?’ Simon snarled at Paul. ‘I don’t think I – ‘ ‘You don’t think? You don’t think you told anyone?’ ‘No, I don’t think I told any – ‘ ‘Oh, this is interesting,’ said Simon, pacing up and down in front of Paul. ‘This is interesting.’ With a slap he sent Paul’s exercise book flying out of his hands. ‘Try and think, dipshit,’ he growled. ‘Try and fucking think. Did you tell anyone we’ve got a stolen computer?’ ‘Not stolen,’ said Paul. ‘I never told anyone – I don’t think I told anyone we had a new one, even.’ ‘I see,’ said Simon. ‘So the news got out by magic then, did it?’ He was pointing at the computer monitor. ‘Someone’s fucking talked!’ he yelled, ‘because it’s on the fucking internet! And I’ll be fucking lucky not – to – lose – my – job!’ On each of the five last words he thumped Paul on the head with his fist. Paul cowered and ducked; black liquid trickled from his left nostril; he suffered nosebleeds several times a week. ‘And what about you?’ Simon roared at his wife, who was still frozen beside the computer, her eyes wide behind her glasses, her hand clamped like a yashmak over her mouth. ‘Have you been fucking gossiping?’ Ruth ungagged herself. ‘No, Si,’ she whispered, ‘I mean, the only person I told we had a new computer was Shirley – and she’d never – ‘ You stupid woman, you stupid fucking woman, what did you have to tell him that for? ‘You did what?’ asked Simon quietly. ‘I told Shirley,’ whimpered Ruth. ‘I didn’t say it was stolen, though, Si. I only said you were bringing it home – ‘ ‘Well, that’s fucking it then, isn’t it?’ roared Simon; his voice became a scream. ‘Her fucking son’s standing for election, of course she wants to get the fucking goods on me!’ ‘But she’s the one who told me, Si, just now, she wouldn’t have – ‘ He ran at her and hit her in the face, exactly as he had wanted to when he had first seen her silly frightened expression; her glasses spun into the air and smashed against the bookcase; he hit her again and she crashed down onto the computer table she had bought so proudly with her first month’s wages from South West General. Andrew had made himself a promise: he seemed to move in slow motion, and everything was cold and clammy and slightly unreal. ‘Don’t hit her,’ he said, forcing himself between his parents. ‘Don’t – ‘ His lip split against his front tooth, Simon’s knuckle behind it, and he fell backwards on top of his mother, who was draped over the keyboard; Simon threw another punch, which hit Andew’s arms as he protected his face; Andrew was trying to get off his slumped, struggling mother, and Simon was in a frenzy, pummelling both of them wherever he could reach – ‘Don’t you fucking dare tell me what to do – don’t you dare, you cowardly little shit, you spotty streak of piss – ‘ Andrew dropped to his knees to get out of the way, and Simon kicked him in the ribs. Andrew heard Paul say pathetically, ‘Stop it!’ Simon’s foot swung for Andrew’s ribcage again, but Andrew dodged it; Simon’s toes collided with the brick fireplace and he was suddenly, absurdly, howling in pain. Andrew scrambled out of the way; Simon was gripping the end of his foot, hopping on the spot and swearing in a high-pitched voice; Ruth had collapsed into the swivel chair, sobbing into her hands. Andrew got to his feet; he could taste his own blood. ‘Anyone could have talked about that computer,’ he panted, braced for further violence; he felt braver now that it had begun, now that the fight was really on; it was waiting that told on your nerves, watching Simon’s jaw begin to jut, and hearing the urge for violence building in his voice. ‘You told us a security guard got beaten up. Anyone could have talked. It’s not us – ‘ ‘Don’t you – fucking little shit – I’ve broken my fucking toe!’ Simon gasped, falling backwards into an armchair, still nursing his foot. He seemed to expect sympathy. Andrew imagined picking up a gun and shooting Simon in the face, watching his features blast apart, his brains spattering the room. ‘And Pauline’s got her fucking period again!’ Simon yelled at Paul, who was trying to contain the blood dripping through his fingers from his nose. ‘Get off the carpet! Get off the fucking carpet, you little pansy!’ Paul scuttled out of the room. Andrew pressed the hem of his T-shirt to his stinging mouth. ‘What about all the cash-in-hand jobs?’ Ruth sobbed, her cheek pink from his punch, tears dripping from her chin. Andrew hated to see her humiliated and pathetic like this; but he half hated her too for landing herself in it, when any idiot could have seen †¦ ‘It says about the cash-in-hand jobs. Shirley doesn’t know about them, how could she? Someone at the printworks has put that on there. I told you, Si, I told you you shouldn’t do those jobs, they’ve always worried the living daylights out of – ‘ ‘Fucking shut up, you whining cow, you didn’t mind spending the money!’ yelled Simon, his jaw jutting again; and Andrew wanted to roar at his mother to stay silent: she blabbed when any idiot could have told her she should keep quiet, and she kept quiet when she might have done good by speaking out; she never learned, she never saw any of it coming. Nobody spoke for a minute. Ruth dabbed at her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffed intermittently. Simon clutched his toe, his jaw clenched, breathing loudly. Andrew licked the blood from his stinging lip, which he could feel swelling. ‘This’ll cost me my fucking job,’ said Simon, staring wild-eyed around the room, as if there might be somebody there he had forgotten to hit. ‘They’re already talking about fucking redundancies. This’ll be it. This’ll – ‘ He slapped the lamp off the end table, but it didn’t break, merely rolled on the floor. He picked it up, tugged the lead out of the wall socket, raised it over his head and threw it at Andrew, who dodged. ‘Who’s fucking talked?’ Simon yelled, as the lamp base broke apart on the wall. ‘Someone’s fucking talked!’ ‘It’s some bastard at the printworks, isn’t it?’ Andrew shouted back; his lip was thick and throbbing; it felt like a tangerine segment. ‘D’you think we’d have – d’you think we don’t know how to keep our mouths shut by now?’ It was like trying to read a wild animal. He could see the muscles working in his father’s jaw, but he could tell that Simon was considering Andrew’s words. ‘When was that put on there?’ he roared at Ruth. ‘Look at it! What’s the date on it?’ Still sobbing, she peered at the screen, needing to approach the tip of her nose within two inches of it, now that her glasses were broken. ‘The fifteenth,’ she whispered. ‘Fifteenth †¦ Sunday,’ said Simon. ‘Sunday, wasn’t it?’ Neither Andrew nor Ruth put him right. Andrew could not believe his luck; nor did he believe it would hold. ‘Sunday,’ said Simon, ‘so anyone could’ve – my fucking toe,’ he yelled, as he pulled himself up and limped exaggeratedly towards Ruth. ‘Get out of my way!’ She hastened out of the chair and watched him read the paragraph through again. He kept snorting like an animal to clear his airways. Andrew thought that he might be able to garrotte his father as he sat there, if only there was a wire to hand. ‘Someone’s got all this from work,’ said Simon, as if he had just reached this conclusion, and had not heard his wife or son urging the hypothesis on him. He placed his hands on the keyboard and turned to Andrew. ‘How do I get rid of it?’ ‘What?’ ‘You do fucking computing! How do I get this off here?’ ‘You can’t get – you can’t,’ said Andrew. ‘You’d need to be the administrator.’ ‘Make yourself the administrator, then,’ said Simon, jumping up and pointing Andrew into the swivel chair. ‘I can’t make myself the administrator,’ said Andrew. He was afraid that Simon was working himself up into a second bout of violence. ‘You need to input the right user name and passwords.’ ‘You’re a real fucking waste of space, aren’t you?’ Simon shoved Andrew in the middle of his sternum as he limped past, knocking him back into the mantelpiece. ‘Pass me the phone!’ Simon shouted at his wife, as he sat back down in the armchair. Ruth took the telephone and carried it the few feet to Simon. He ripped it out of her hands and punched in a number. Andrew and Ruth waited in silence as Simon called, first Jim, and then Tommy, the men with whom he had completed the after-hours jobs at the printworks. Simon’s fury, his suspicion of his own accomplices, was funnelled down the telephone in curt short sentences full of swearwords. Paul had not returned. Perhaps he was still trying to staunch his bleeding nose, but more likely he was too scared. Andrew thought his brother unwise. It was safest to leave only after Simon had given you permission. His calls completed, Simon held out the telephone to Ruth without speaking; she took it and hurried it back into its stand. Simon sat thinking while his fractured toe pulsated, sweating in the heat of the wood-burner, awash with impotent fury. The beating to which he had subjected his wife and son was nothing, he did not give them a thought; a terrible thing had just happened to him, and naturally his rage had exploded on those nearest him; that was how life worked. In any case, Ruth, the silly bitch, had admitted to telling Shirley †¦ Simon was building his own chain of evidence, as he thought things must have happened. Some fucker (and he suspected that gum-chewing forklift driver, whose expression, as Simon had sped away from him in the Fields, had been outraged) talking about him to the Mollisons (somehow, illogically, Ruth’s admission that she had mentioned the computer to Shirley made this seem more likely), and they (the Mollisons, the establishment, the smooth and the snide, guarding their access to power) had put up this message on their website (Shirley, the old cow, managed the site, which set the seal on the theory). ‘It’s your fucking friend,’ Simon told his wet-faced, trembling-lipped wife. ‘It’s your fucking Shirley. She’s done this. She’s got some dirt on me to get me off her son’s case. That’s who it is.’ ‘But Si – ‘ Shut up, shut up, you silly cow, thought Andrew. ‘Still on her side, are you?’ roared Simon, making to stand again. ‘No!’ squealed Ruth, and he sank back into the chair, glad to keep the weight off his pounding foot. The Harcourt-Walsh management would not be happy about those after-hours jobs, Simon thought. He wouldn’t put it past the bloody police to come nosing around the computer. A desire for urgent action filled him. ‘You,’ he said, pointing at Andrew. ‘Unplug that computer. All of it, the leads and everything. You’re coming with me.’ How to cite Part Three Chapter V, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
A Secular Defense of Pro
A Secular Defense of Pro-Life Essay A Secular Defense of Pro-LifeThe pro-life stance on abortion is often associated with and defended by traditional Christian beliefs , ; however, this paper will argue that it can and should be defended with secular arguments that appeal to reason and our shared human condition. This paper will try and counter the notion that the argument is simply another battlefield where religion and secular thought meet. Rather, it is an important issue that carries with it heavy implications not only for the religious but also for the secular. The major arguments discussed include the emotional and physical toll on the mother, the societal toll of having abortion legalized, and the rights attributed to every human being; first, however, the stance taken in this paper will be further defined and clarified.There are many different beliefs floating around Christian as well as secular circles as to what it means to be â€Å"pro-life†. Some claim that this view equates all forms of contraception to abortion while others claim that to be â€Å"pro-life†one must only be against abortion. In his book The Pro-Life/Choice Debate, Mark Herring summarizes the Humanae Vitae, a document released by Pope Paul VI in the late 1960s, saying â€Å"it warns against using contraceptives and engaging in sexual relations for their own sake†¦Ã¢â‚¬ The stance that will be taken in this paper will be that to be â€Å"pro-life†is to be against abortion and not contraception. Equating all forms of contraception to that of abortion is an ill-founded and uneducated claim that does more to hurt the perception and potential power of the pro-life movement than it does to help it. It allows the discussion to veer far off the path, as can be seen in Christina Page’s book How the Pro-Choice Movemen. .: 397-399. Haugen, David, Susan Musser, and Kacy Lovelace, . Abortion. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2010.Herring, Mark Y. The Pro-Life/Choice Debate. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2003. Lee, Patrick. Abortion and Unborn Human Life. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America, 2010.Nathanson, Dr. Bernard. Reflections of the Abortion King. In Back to the Drawing Board: The Future of the Pro-Life Movement, by Teresa R Wagner, 76-81. South Bend, IN: St. Augustines, 2003.Page, Christina. How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America: Freedom, Politics and the War on Sex. New York: Basic Books, 2006.Piehl, Norah, ed. Abortion. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven, 2007.Williams, Daniel K. No Happy Medium: The Role of Americans Ambivalent View of Fetal Rights in Political Conflict over Abortion Legalization. Journal of Policy History 25, no. 1 (2013): 49.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
Limitations on President Essay Example
Limitations on President Essay Among the specific factors which Newsstands work highlighted are Congress, the Supreme Court, the Constitution and its amendments, the federal system, mass media, pressure groups and the federal bureaucracy. Imperial presidency The term the imperial presidency gained popularity in the early sass as a consequence of Arthur Schlesinger book in 1973. Schlesinger charts the abuse of power by successive twentieth-century presidents, in particular Lyndon Johnson (1963-69) and Richard Nixon (1969-74), which was due to the growth of the US presidency since the sass. In 1964, during the Vietnam War, Congress passed an authorization, the Tonic Gulf Resolution which states that Congress approves and purports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression. This wasnt so much a power grab by Lyndon Johnson as an abdication of the power of Congress as it was a blank queue which President Johnson took as the moral and equal equivalent of a declaration of war. The president is as imperial as the Congress, the press and the public allow him to be therefore there are effective limitations on the presidents power. In the President f the united States (1990), British academic David Mervin states his belief that the concept of the imperial presidency was always something of a click as it up images of the president as an emperor, a supreme sovereign authority, a master of all he survey which is clearly not the case. We will write a custom essay sample on Limitations on President specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Limitations on President specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Limitations on President specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In that sense the debate about the imperial presidency in US politics parallels closely the debate in the I-J about the position of the prime minister as an elective dictatorship a term coined by Lord Hails in the same decade. In Sam Athenians article in the Wall Street Journey of 27th December 2002, he illustrates some of the problems associated tit the imperial presidency debate. Athenians concludes the imperial president not a useful idea. It is an epithet, dredged up whenever a president combines strength with imagination. Presidents are, in sum, leaders not rulers which means of course, they are not imperial at all. Offices of persuasion Professor Richard Nauseated writes presidential power is he power to persuade. Where the I-J prime minister can wield real power, the US president must usually persuade: the prime minister commands; the president influences. In 2003, George W Bush proposed a $726 billion tax cut to Congress, one in which his Republicans had a charity in both Houses but the President headed out of Washington on a tour of targeted states to rally support for his proposal. The president uses formal and informal management techniques in an attempt to give their priorities an advantage in the Washington policy process. The Executive Office of the President has grown substantially since it was established in 1939, and now includes dozen separate units, including such important elements as the National Security Council, the Council of Economic Advisors and the Office of Management and Budget. These units have a role in bringing together expertise to help and support efficient administration-led policy making and implementation making it an ineffective limitation on presidential power. Tim Homes (2000) points out that the different political context within which presidential administrations operate and the electorate advantages with which an administration starts provide an individual framework of constraint on the presidential ability to persuade. Supreme Court The Supreme Court plays a vital role in checking and controlling the powers of the presidency. The court can damage a president and negate a particular activity. An example of this is shown with Roosevelt over his Court packing scheme which would eave enlarged its and curtailed the power of older members. The Supreme Court has power to argue against a bill if it is against the US Constitution. In the case of Ursula v Bush (2004), the Supreme Court ruled that the detainees at Augmentation Bay did have access to the US federal courts to challenge their detention, thereby striking down an important part of the Bush administrations legal policy regarding the war on terror. In 2005, when Bush approved unauthorized spying on US citizens after 9/1 1, the Supreme Court challenged this bill as it violated the Constitution. Charles Evans Hughes, the 1 lath Chief Justice of the Supreme Court once said, We are under a Constitution, but the Constitution is what the Judges say it is. Since Mammary v Madison 1803 established the doctrine of Judicial review, the Supreme Court has been able to limit presidential powers by shaping the parameters of the Constitution to bring about social and legal change. The Supreme Court is effective in limiting the presidents powers as it is expected to be a Judicial body which is politically impartial and which must attempt to transcend passing political passions an uphold the eternal values of the Constitution. In the spirit of the British constitution, the premiership is undergoing change through the force of practice and convention. The result is of pure derivative of institutional authority or established arrangements of power so much as a qualitative shift in form and interior substance that transcends the formal infrastructure of Britains political system. In the I-J, the Courts are able to limit the powers of the prime minister through Judicial review. However the absence of a codified constitution makes Judicial review not so far-reaching. In particular, edges cannot overturn Acts of Parliament because of the principle of parliamentary sovereignty. Nevertheless they can determine the lawfulness of actions that are carries out on the basis of delegated legislation. This can be seen as an ineffective limitation on the presidency as some Presidents have the opportunity to elect new judges if a vacancy arises. Although the Supreme Court was able to limit Bushs power with regards to spying on US citizens, he was given the opportunity to elect 2 Republican Justices. Congress The president needs congressional support, and in the more assertive mood of Congress in recent years incumbents have found this difficult to achieve even with their own party in Control. Faced by hostility from Congress, Bush and Clinton in his last 6 years had difficulties in carrying out aspects of their programmer, resulting in gridlock, a situation in which the two branches of government were locked inch conflict. The tendency of Congress to appoint special prosecutors to probe every aspect of a presidents affairs, and the relentless media interest which this creates, have paralyzing impact on presidential policy. Investigations drag on, seemingly for artisan reasons, and there is always the ultimate borrow of the threat of impeachment. Although the case against Clinton originated in a sexual harassment case concerning Paula Jones, he east impeached as Silicons answers regarding his relationship with Monica Leninism, a former White House intern, were untruthful and the perjury involved enabled the Republican persecutor, Kenneth Starr, to recommend that President Clinton should be impeached in 1999. Four articles of impeachment were laid down before the House Judiciary Committee which in December 1998 voted to approve further action on all of them namely; Article 1 hearing perjury before Ken Stars federal grand Jury, Article 2 charging perjury in the Paula Jones deposition, Article 3 charging obstruction of Justice in the Paula Jones case and article 4 charging failure to respond to the 81 questions posed by the House Judicial Committee during the impeachment inquiry. Congress is an effective limitation on the presidency and powers vested within it as Congress function of oversight of the executive branch and has powers to subpoena documents and testimony, hold individuals in contempt if they fail to comply with Congresss demands. However unlike in the British Parliament, the executive is not present so there is no opportunity for Question Time in Congress. It is only in the committee rooms where members of the executive branch can be questioned so despite the whole of the executive branch being limited by Congress, limitations on the resident himself and his powers. The US Congress has more of difficult role in limiting the powers of the president and calling him to account than Parliament has simply because the executive branch arent members of the legislature as seen in the I-J. Federal bureaucracy Although the president has plenty of constitutional authority, he is limited by the federal bureaucracy. The federal bureaucracy has three principle functions, executing laws, creating rules and adjudication. The constitution states in Article 2 section that the president shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed and is the main reason why the president needs the federal bureaucracy. No modern president seems to have been able to stop and tame the bureaucracy, as a result the majority of the agencies created since the sass have survived intact into the twenty- first century. American writers burns et al make a series of fair observations when they write of one of the persisting paradoxes of the American presidency On the one hand, the institution is too powerful, and on the other, it is always too weak. It is too strong because in many ways it is contrary to the ideals of government by the people and decentralization of power. It is too weak because presidents seldom are able to keep the promises they make. The president is limited by the federal bureaucracy as it is the federal bureaucracy who are required to write the specific rules that decide how the laws will be executed. When compared to the I-J, the civil servants are in control, serving any government impartially, whatever its political complexion. They must carry out decision with which they personally may disagree and not involve themselves in any partisan activity. The issue regarding the federal bureaucracy is problematic as the problem of management and control of bureaucracies has become a central issue of modern democratic government. In addition, the federal bureaucracy is said to be insufficient especially due to the response of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to hurricanes Strain and Rata in 2005. Pressure groups Presidency groups can mobiles public opinion either for or against the president himself or his policies. President Clinton experience this in 1993-93 over his proposed healthcare reforms. The Health Insurance Association of American that aired the highly effective series of Harry and Louise commercials which went a long way to skippering the Presidents proposals by turning public opinion against them. Edward Achebe and Engel Seafood (1999) identified another close link between producer groups and the executive branch. Pressure groups are an effective limit n the presidents powers as they are able to use their representative function to ensure the president doesnt abuse his powers. Interest groups remain a powerful force in American politics as they continue to organize and represent significant sections of the community. As a result, they will continue to have a privileged claim on the attention of the executive branch and the president himself. In the I-J, pressure groups seek to influence and limit the power of the prime minister as they are the heart of the core executive which develop and make government policy. However pressure groups are ineffective as they priorities the need to shape the content of public policy. This was demonstrated with the National Farmers Union which works with the Department for Rural Affairs in implementing policies related to farm subsidies, disease control and animal welfare. Problems arise with pressure groups as they can be seen as being incompatible with a pluralist society where political resources and access to government are spread widely in the hands of many diverse groups. Pressure groups are fostering an elitist view of society in which lattice resources are in the hands of few not many. Media Administrations have taken media relations seriously for many years. Before the advent of the electronic media, successive presidential administrations had on occasion suffered from adversarial press coverage, and benefited from supportive reporting. What the media reports and say can have a profound limit to what presidents can do. President Theodore Roosevelt was an active campaigner for his policies, and believed that press dissemination of his energetic and well-structured speeches could act to maintain his proposals high on the public agenda, even to the extent of appealing directly to the public in an attempt to influence the congressional receptiveness to presidential initiatives. Newsstands analysis is central to the scholarship of the presidency, but it is not universally accepted. Among the dissenters, Charles O. Jones 1994, similarly accepts that the presidents authority is limited but Jones is not convinced by Newsstands argument that the resources exist whereby the system can in practice be adapted to become presidency-centered. This alternative to the Nauseated view points out the presidents media centrality is a result f recent developments in the communications industry, rather than the consequence of presidential actions, and argues that focusing in the president as the pivot of American government ignores the more complex reality of how American government operates. This indicates an individual level of constraint on the presidents powers. The media is an effective limit on presidential power as it assists with the success of a policy campaign. Success of this kind has proved a valuable asset in the longer term by enhancing an administrations reputation for influencing public opinion and political outcomes. In comparison, the media in the UK is becoming more critical of politicians. This was evident in battles between the Blair government and the BBC over allegations that, in the run-up to the Iraq War, the government had sexed up a dossier emphasizing the military threat posed by Iraq to the I-J. The medias coverage of politics has become more difficult for prime ministers to manage due to a tendency to hype, blurring if facts and interpretation and television increasingly following print media in its style of political and current affairs coverage. In British politics, Estelle Morris seemed like a misfit because she acted as a normal human being. When eccentrics are put in charge of a set of institutions, they will obviously modify their behavior to some extent; but they are likely to cause far more modification to the institution they inherit. Robbers arise as the presidency has not only an advantage in attracting media attention but that it also applies considerable resources to spin that attention to its greatest advantage. For all the work that goes into maintaining and developing the presidents media centrality this cannot be counted on always to offer the same potential and there are indications that media coverage of hard news, political news and the presidency itself has declined in recent years. Conclusion To conclude, there are very effective limitations on the presidents powers as the Founding Fathers intended whilst writing the US Constitution. Effective limitations include the other branches of government, Judiciary and legislature, due to their effective checks and balances on the executive branch in avoiding a tyrannical government. In addition, the media has proven an effective limitation s their role in providing vital information does influence public opinion and affect political outcomes as well as the presidents reputation. Other constraints include pressure groups and offices of persuasion however due to their person agendas limiting presidential power is not a priority resulting in effective constraints by these administrations. Lastly, the idea of an imperial president can be disregarded as the president is as imperial as his constraints allow him to be. Mark Garnett argues in comparison that the unconfined I-J constitution gives too much power to the Prime Minister and that the 2003 reshuffle underlined this problem rather than tackle it.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Classification Essay Sample on Halloween Costumes
Classification Essay Sample on Halloween Costumes A classification essay is not the most popular type of academic paper which students are required to write during their studying process. However, most of the academic subjects imply the demonstration of critical thinking, which means that at least once in their lifetime, all students will be supposed to create a classification essay sample. Therefore, being familiar with the steps of writing on the classification essay topics is necessary whether in humanitarian or technical disciplines. First of all, the core element of the classification essay is a category, namely a group of objects united by similar characteristics of the specific criteria. Hence, the second necessary element of the categorization process is the classification criteria according to which objects or their characteristics will be categorized. For instance, while writing about the literature genres, one may choose a â€Å"fiction/non-fiction†system of categorization, which means the division of literature genres in two categories: â€Å"fiction†and â€Å"non-fiction,†depending on the following categorization criteria that are the verity of the events. If the events stem from the author’s imagination with no relation to real experiences, the genre refers to the fiction literature. The opposite category to the fiction is non-fiction, which means that any story of non-fiction genres is based on real-life experiences. For instance, Alice in Wonderland is an example of fiction literature, while Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury, written as a memoir, is an accurate example of the non-fiction. ‘Halloween Costumes: Hold Your Heroes to High Standards’ Essay Sample There are two types of people: those who prepare for a holiday in advance that can take an entire year, and those who do their preparations at the last moment. It is not difficult for one to define themselves according to the classification above. However, when a person faces another classification, which is a classification of holiday costumes, namely the Halloween ones, the impediments of choice occur due to the variety of categories according to which the Halloween costumes can be categorized as following: metaphorical or real objects, real people or fictional characters, hand-made or bought, simple or complex, traditional or innovative. Each category is based on a specific criterion that defines the division of the groups: meaning, the truthfulness of the character, the way of creating the costume, the complexity of the latter, and time. All Halloween costumes can be divided into those based on metaphor, namely pun-based costumes, and those based on the meaning of real objects. A costume of a cat that includes ears, a tail, mustache, and black jeans reminds the viewer of a common cat anyone can meet in the street. However, if the costume has such details as the mask of Zorro and a bag with the sign of money, the viewer thinks of a â€Å"cat burglar†which changes the meaning of the entire costume from the direct to a metaphorical one. Another example is a costume of a sheep, where white color reminds the viewer of a farm animal, but when the color changes into the black, the whole costume obtains a different meaning, which is â€Å"black sheep†an extraordinary person, who does not suit into the crowd. Therefore, being based on the â€Å"meaning†criteria, the category discussed above is vast due to the variety of puns occurring each year in the spoken language. The second category of Halloween costumes unites the groups of â€Å"fictional†and â€Å"non-fictional†costumes. Here, the main criterion is the realness of the character. One can draw a parallel between the literary genres when differentiation is based on the real-life experiences or pure imagination of the author. The significant part of the Halloween costumes belongs to the fictional characters: Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Vincent Vega and Mia Wallace from the iconic Pulp Fiction, Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians, and others. The list of fictional characters may endlessly continue due to the variety of the latter having been created for centuries. The group of non-fictional characters encompasses fewer characters than that of the fictional. Nowadays, the holiday participants prefer fictional characters due to the variety as well as the outer vividness and instant recognition in the crowd they possess. If one chooses the costume of a non-fictional character, then he or she may find some of them entertaining and meaningful enough for the fact that modern popular stars have turned their life into a life-lasting narration with an extraordinary image of themselves. While the costume of Abraham Lincoln or Thomas Jefferson is quite traditional and one-dimensional, the costumes of the modern stars may be challenging to compose. For instance, if one decides to dress like Lady Gaga or Beyonce, they will have to make reference in their attire to a specific music video that would make the costume recognizable for everyone. Therefore, both non-fictional and fictional characters may be a source of inspiration if one uses their imagination. The third category of costumes based on the criteria of item-making divides Halloween costumes into handcrafted or ready-made. Hand-made clothing is a costume manually created, commonly by a holiday participant, while ready-made costumes are available in any clothes stores and vary in price. Here, opinions about the advantages and disadvantages regarding both groups differ: while hand-made costumes are considered cheap because they do not require much time or financial resources, the ready-made costumes are expensive and unoriginal. However, the need for handcrafted or ready-made costumes depends on the simplicity and the required details. For instance, a plain white T-shirt, baggy jeans and a cap are enough to create an image of Eminem. Meanwhile, the creation of a Wonder Woman image will require the exact tiara, metallic bracelets and the entire outfit that the character wears in the same-called comics and the movie. The following category is based on the complexity of the Halloween costume according to which one can easily guess whether the person did the last minute or the whole-year preparations. Simple costumes are not complicated for anyone to create due to the clothes and details anyone can find at their home. For instance, the costumes of the Breakfast Club characters will require the vintage clothes everyone can find in their parents’ old wardrobe from the 1980s or 1990s. Further, the creation of a hippie image is also a simple task, as it will need grandmother’s clothes from the sixties. Meanwhile, if one’s grandmother was not a hippie but a common young woman and had pink clothes, then the creation of the Marvellous Mrs. Maisel’ character can be quickly planned. Meanwhile, the complex-made costumes require specific details that one has to buy at online costume shops or fan sites. For instance, the creation of the Harry Potter characters will require special robes, scarfs, and magic wands from the stores devoted to the Harry Potter books and films. The same refers to the construction of the Deadpool or Spiderman costume. The last category of the Halloween costumes encompasses two groups, which are traditional or innovative costumes, depending on whether the idea is new or old. As time passes, people innovate their old ideas about traditional costumes or create new images. However, innovations always coexist along with the traditions, which means that by innovating the traditional image, the latter acquires a new meaning. For instance, the notorious image of a witch from the folklore has been renovated in the 1990s by the iconic Halloween movie Hocus Pocus, a film telling a story of the three witches. Winifred Sanderson costume, one of the sisters, is the most popular among the Halloween fans famous for its â€Å"googly-one-eyed spell book, followed closely only by Winifred’s lust for eternal youth†(Horvat para. 4). Until then, people keep dressing in the costumes of such traditional creatures as ghouls, werewolves, cats, and ghosts that besides considered old-fashioned, can be still â €Å"terrifying or outright incomprehensible†(Edwards para.1). Without additional meaning, traditional costumes are considered unoriginal, and that is why, as it has been mentioned, the Halloween participants create innovative ideas that are mostly based on puns or the impersonations of characters from the late movies and series. Among the latter, the most popular Halloween costumes are an image of a prisoner from Orange is the New Black, a handmaid from The Handmaid’s Tale, as well as Daenerys Targaryen or Jon Snow from The Game of Thrones (Teather para. 16). Though the boundary between the traditional and innovative Halloween costumes is blurred, the definition of the costume’s traditionalism or innovativeness depends on the meaning of the image. Conclusively, Halloween costumes fall in different categories depending on the judging criteria. According to the meaning, the costumes are divided into metaphorical or real objects. According to the fictional or non-fictional experiences of the impersonated character, the costumes are the ones of real people or fictional characters, while according to the way the costume has been created, the Halloween attire can be hand-made or bought. As for the complexity, the costumes are simple or complex, and as for the time of creation, the Halloween wardrobe is traditional or innovative. However, all characteristics above can be changed by the addition or elimination of a certain meaning as it has been discussed in the examples of the Hocus Pocus witches or the costumes of modern celebrities. Concluding Remarks In brief, the classification essay divides objects into categories according to specific characteristics. The essay above demonstrates that the author has divided the Halloween costumes into categories, opposite to each other. For instance, the category of meaning encompasses two opposite groups of metaphorical and real-objects costumes. In the Introduction, the author summarizes the issue and the general categories with their determining criteria. Further, each paragraph of the Body explains the strengths and weaknesses of the category’s groups. For each category, the author has provided examples. The Conclusion paragraph summarizes the categories and restates the thesis statement. We hope that the example of the classification essay above not only helped you find an appropriate Halloween costume but also served as an accurate explanation for writing the classification essay. Edwards, Wyatt. â€Å"Old-Fashioned Halloween Costumes.†Halloween Costumes, 12 Jan. 2018, www.halloweencostumes.com/blog/p-1105-old-fashioned-halloween-costumes.aspx. Horvat, Kate. â€Å"DIY Hocus Pocus Costumes.†Halloween Costumes, 3 Oct. 2014, www.halloweencostumes.com/blog/p-566-diy-hocus-pocus-costumes.aspx. Teather, Charlie. â€Å"Netflix-Inspired Halloween Costumes That Will Have People Saying I Wish Id Thought of That!†Glamour: Netflix, 18 Oct. 2018, www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/gallery/netflix-halloween-costumes.
Friday, November 22, 2019
6 Essential Formatting Tips for Academic Papers
6 Essential Formatting Tips for Academic Papers 6 Essential Formatting Tips for Academic Papers Writing a good paper is one thing; making it look professional is another thing entirely. Yet the presentation of your work can affect its clarity, as well as creating a good (or bad) first impression for your reader. As such, formatting is essential. But Microsoft Word is a bloated, unwieldy beast of a word processor, with a huge array of options. Luckily, then, we’ve prepared this quick guide to the basics of formatting an academic document. 1. Headings and Styles The â€Å"Styles†in Microsoft Word are preformatted text styles that you can customize and use in your work, thereby ensuring formatting is applied consistently throughout a document. The Styles menu. Perhaps the most important are the â€Å"Heading†styles, as these also let you automatically generate a dynamic table of contents. 2. Give Yourself Space Tightly packed text is difficult to read, so make sure to use paragraph and line spacing effectively. Paragraph spacing refers to the gap between paragraphs in your document that appears when you hit return. Line spacing is the space between each line within a paragraph (many schools require papers to be double spaced). Line and paragraph spacing can both be adjusted via the â€Å"Paragraph†section of the â€Å"Home†tab. Adjusting line spacing. 3. What’s Your Alignment? As much as we’d love this to be about DD, we’re actually talking about text alignment (i.e. the way text is presented in a document). Left aligned, centered, right aligned and justified text. Generally, â€Å"Justified†looks neatest for the main text in a paper since it creates neat blocks, but you might want to use â€Å"Centered†or â€Å"Left†for headings. As with line and paragraph spacing, text alignment can be adjusted using the â€Å"Paragraph†options. 4. Marginal Interests If you check your college style guide, you might find that it specifies a size for the margins in your document. This can be adjusted via the â€Å"Margins†button on the â€Å"Page Layout†tab. Margin size, as well as other page layout options. If your style guide doesn’t offer any advice, we suggest around 1.5†for the left margin and 1†for the right margin. This looks tidy while giving plenty of space for feedback. 5. We’ve Got Your Number Ever printed a 20,000 word paper and then dropped the entire thing on the floor? If so, you’ll know how important page numbers can be for keeping everything in order. Basic page numbers can be added quickly via the â€Å"Page Number†menu in the â€Å"Insert†tab. For longer documents, you might also want to check out some of the advanced options. Adding page numbers. 6. Time for a Break Not a rest, silly goose. Page and section breaks. These let you start a new chapter on a new page, ensuring your document looks tidy whatever changes you make while editing. A page break simply begins on a new page, whereas a section break can also be used to apply different styles of formatting to different parts of a document. Both can be added via the â€Å"Breaks†menu on the â€Å"Page Layout†tab in Microsoft Word. Page and section breaks.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
MKTG 3000 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
MKTG 3000 - Essay Example This paper briefly analyses the marketing strategies I might have used to market iphone, if I was the brand manager. Some customers give more importance to the brand rather the product. Apple is currently the most reputed and valued technological brand in the world according to Kim (2010). Moreover apple products are selling rapidly all over the world because of the huge brand value of Apple Company. Brand images construct some symbols in the minds of the customers which help the movement of the product in the market. Even without testing or watching the demo, some people purchase Apple products because of their immense confidence and trust in the abilities of Apple. Under such circumstances, I was the brand manager; I would capitalize more on the brand value of Apple while marketing iphone directly to consumers. Most of the consumers in the world are still unaware of the fact that Apple has surpassed even Microsoft in market capitalization and brand value. â€Å"The amount of effort a consumer puts into searching depends on a number of factors such as the market, product characteristics, consumer characteristics etc†(Perner). Market is overcrowded with millions of products of same and different natures which made the customer’s task more difficult in selecting a suitable product for them. In such circumstances, they will put their trust on brands rather than the products. Many of the consumers are still unaware of the fact that Apple became the most reputed technological company in the world. Moreover, they surpassed even Microsoft in market capitalization. In short, iphone advertising should convey all the above messages to the consumers. The iPhone’s functions can be easily accessed through a touch screen display using mainly by the finger commands. The picture quality (25,000 pixels per inch) of iphone is one among the bests in the category of new generation mobile phones. Moreover its display brightness can be adjusted automatically and the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The use of vaginal examinations in assessing progress during the first Essay
The use of vaginal examinations in assessing progress during the first stage of labour - Essay Example During the first stage of labour, which begins with the onset of regular uterine contraction, it plays instrumental role in assessing the progress made in labour. It provides information about the cervical effacement and dilatation, descent , position and attitude of the fetus. But it may also give rise to certain problems like infections, premature stimulation of cervix, premature rupture of membranes and women find them uncomfortable. The approach used by midwives to vaginal exam further adds to the problems. While undertaking these exams, they become inconsiderate towards the feelings of the women and in their attempt to deliver a healthy baby ignore their professional ethics , which requires them to provide a supportive, encouraging atmosphere for birth, respectful of the woman’s wishes. Although midwives acquire enough skill through practice and experience to use external signs to gain knowledge about the progress, still they consider it the most accurate method. This study revolves around vaginal examination at the onset of labour. It attempts to find the reason behind the frequent use of these interventions to assess the progress during first stage, despite its problematic nature. This report explores the necessity and effectiveness of the vaginal exams in assessing the progress. It brings to notice the problems faced by the women from vaginal examination and from the methodology used by the midwives in conducting them. It considers the alternative techniques that can be used instead of vaginal examination. This study takes into consideration the results of various researches done on vaginal examination during the labour. Vaginal examination is a complete
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Impact of federalist on U.S. constitution Essay Example for Free
Impact of federalist on U.S. constitution Essay The Federalist was at first published in New York newspapers with the precise intention of convincing the huge Anti-federalist population of New York to vote in support of the Constitution. Federalist’s thoughts were extensively used by federalists in other states as well. James Madison used this particular document to influence the solid Anti-federalist alliance in Virginia to support the ratification of the constitution. Eventually both states, Virginia and New York approved he constitution, but neither of these states were among the first 9 states who voted in favor, nevertheless the Constitution did go into effect without them sanctioning the proposed Constitution. On the other hand, the publication and collection of the essays into 2 separate volumes offered United States its very own exclusive and distinctive political philosophy. Keeping in mind that the Constitution was legitimately ratified by 9 of the 13 states, the number of votes needed, without the votes of New York and Virginia, it will not be wrong to make an assumption that the Constitution would have been ratified even without The Federalist.. The main significance of The Federalist in the 1788 events was like a sort of debaters handbook in Virginia and New York. Prints of the collected version were hurried to Richmond as to Hamiltons guidance and used positively by supporters of the Constitution in the climactic dispute over ratification. Therefore The Federalist’s recognition was obtained not from the proceedings of a single influential year, but rather from the entire pattern of American history. The Federalist looks like four books in one with an elucidation of the good things of federal government; a condemnation of the Articles of Confederation because of their failure to provide successful government, or to offer a lot in the way of government; an analysis and justification of the new Constitution as a mechanism of providing federalism and constitutionalism; and, illuminating these more realistic topics with an unexpected upsurge of intelligence, an exhibition of specific undergoing truths that give knowledge of both the threats and the satisfaction of free government. The Federalist is nearest to being an innovative piece of work for providing details about the federal form of government. The Federalist is worthy of receiving acknowledgment for the simplicity with which it maintains that â€Å"both levels of government in a federal system must exercise direct authority over individuals, that the central government must enjoy unquestioned supremacy in its assigned fields, and that federalism is to be cherished not alone for its contributions to peace within the land and security without, but for the firm foundation it provides for the enjoyment of individual freedom over a wide expanse of territory. †It could be said easily that The Federalist transformed federalism from a mere system into an article of faith, from a sporadic accident of history into a permanent illustration of the principles of constitutionalism. The pages, which reveal the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, today make an uninteresting portion for reading. However in 1787-88, the same pages made fascinating reading material and countless allies of the new Constitution respected The Federalist mainly because of its pitiless condemnation of the palpable defects of the subsisting Confederation. While indictment was something that had to be completed with force one cannot envy Publius for the joys he might have experienced in ‘beating a horse that may look dead to us but was very much alive to him. ’ And still in the some parts of Federalist numbers 15 to 22 there are concrete annotations on one of the key argument of The Federalist: the dreadful circumstance of a weak government in a disordered society. â€Å"Today, as all through the history of American constitutional development, a particular interpretation of some clause in that document can be given a special flavor of authenticity by a quotation from Publius. If he was understandably wrong in his interpretation of some details in the Constitution for example, in assigning the Senate a share in the power of removal and in giving a purely military cast to the Presidents authority as commander in-chief he was remarkably right about many more. Publius the constitutional lawyer, in the bold person of Hamilton, reached the peak of intellectual power and of historical influence in the breathtaking assertion of judicial review in number 78. â€
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Babe Ruth :: essays research papers
Babe Ruth During the roaring twenties, there were many outstanding baseball players. One of the best outstanding baseball players of all times was Babe Ruth.      Babe Ruth was born on February 6, 1895, on the outskirts of Baltimore, Maryland. He was the son of a saloonkeeper, George Herman Ruth, Sr. At age seven he was placed in the St. Mary’s Industrial School for boys because his parents couldn’t control him anymore. After twelve years of basically being locked up he was released in 1914 so that he could play professional baseball.      One key person in Ruth’s life was Brother Matthias. Matthias encouraged George to play baseball. By age 12, he was already on the varsity team. Matthias pushed Ruth to be a right-handed catcher since there was no left-handed catcher’s mitt.      George Herman’s professional career started in 1914 when the Boston Red Sox picked him up as a left-handed pitcher. After 158 games, Ruth had a pitching record of 89-46 and had 3 World Series wins and no losses. When Ruth’s pitching career ended, he had a 2.28 earned run average and was just getting started with his all time hitting career. Babe Ruth set many hitting records in his 22 years of baseball. â€Å"The Babe†was given many new nicknames over the years. Some for example were: â€Å"The Sultan of Swat,†â€Å"The Callasses of Clout,†â€Å"The Great Bambino,†and â€Å"The Babe.†In 22seasons, he led the league 12 times with home run records. In 1921, Ruth had a record setting 60 homers, which no one broke until Hank Aaron in 1974. In 1935, George Herman Ruth hung up his uniform for the last time with leaving professional baseball. With 714 career homeruns and some great memories, The Babe led his team to The World Series in 1923, 1927, 1928, and 1932.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Mrs. Aesop by Carol Ann Duffy by Andrew Banks Essay
1. The poem â€Å"†is part of Carol Ann Duffy’s collection of poems, titled â€Å"The World’s Wife†. In this collection, Duffy wishes to highlight the fact that women have long been ignored and silenced throughout history. This is why all the poems in the collection are written from a female perspective. Duffy has created a literal version of an old saying, â€Å"behind every great man there is an even greater woman†. One of the poems in the collection, ‘Mrs. Aesop’, tells the story of a wife who is tired of her sermonizing, tedious husband, known as Aesop. Aesop was a storyteller who lived around the sixth century BC, in Greece. Many historical details surrounding him are missing, but it is thought that he was first a slave on the island of Samos and his fables came to be in a collection known as â€Å"Aesopica.†â€Å"Mrs. Aesop†draws on the fables to describe Aesop’s wife’s discontent and unhappiness, the p oem emasculating her husband. The major theme of this poem is to make apparent Mrs. Aesop’s transformation from the classic recessive wife with a dominant husband, to an empowered and confident woman that was able to have the last word. This is shown by lines such as, â€Å"That shut him up. I laughed last, longest.†This appears in the poem after Mrs. Aesop has mocked her husband’s impotence, with lines like â€Å"I gave him a fable one night/ about a little cock that wouldn’t crow†¦Ã¢â‚¬ mocking his masculinity whilst clearly referring to his genitalia. 2. Allusions are some of the many literary devices Duffy includes in her works to better deliver the messages of the female protagonists in â€Å"The World’s Wife.†An allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. For example, one would be making a literary allusion when stating, â€Å"I do not approve of such a quixotic idea.†Quixotic takes on the meaning of foolish and impractical, derived from Cervantes’s â€Å"Don Quixote†, a story about the misadventures of a doltish night and his cohort Sancho Panza. Many allusions are ones we use in our daily speech, such as Achilles’ heel – A weakness a person may have. Achilles was invulnerable excepting his heel or Achilles tendon. Pygmalion – Someone who tries to fashion someone else into the person he desires, originating from a myth adapted into a play by George Bernard Shaw. Casanova – a man who is amorous to women, based on the Italian adventurer.McCarthyism – modern witch hunt, the practice of publicizing accusations without evidence, made after Joseph McCarthy. Some allusions in the literature include when the character Horatio from Shakespeare’s â€Å"Hamlet†said â€Å"A mote it is to trouble the mind’s eye. In the highest and palmy state of Rome, A little ere the mightiest Julius fell, The graves stood tenantless and the sheeted dead Did squeak and gibber in the Roman streets†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (I.i.111-115) Here, Horatio is making a reference to the historical figure of Julius Caesar, in addition to one of Shakespeare’s earlier plays titled â€Å"Julius Caesar.†Another time when allusions are used are in songs, such as when Nirvana made their classic, â€Å"Scentless Apprentice†: Like most babies smell like butter His smell smelled like no other. He was born scentless and senseless He was born a scentless apprentice. this allusion is to Patrick Sà ¼skind’s literary work Perfume. The scent Nirvana is alluding to is actually the blood of the protagonist’s twenty killing victims. 3. When Duffy uses allusions in Mrs. Aesop, she mainly uses them in the text to show Mrs. Aesop’s unhappiness with her husband In the first line, Mrs. Aesop says â€Å"By Christ, he could bore for Purgatory†. This is an allusion to Christianity, with purgatory being the place after death where souls go to be cleansed of their sins. The implication here is that Aesop could make this experience even worse. Later in the first stanza, Duffy alludes to one of Aesop’s fables, when Mrs. Aesop puts her own twist on the lineâ€Å"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush†changing it to â€Å"the bird in his hand that on his sleeve.†By adding to his work in such a way, Mrs. Aesop is disrespecting both her husband and his work, revealing the emotion she had kept bottled up for some time. Lines such as â€Å"a tortoise, somebody’s pet,/ creeping, slow as marriage, up the road,†are a clear allusion to the tale of the Tortoise and the Hare. Mrs. Aesop uses the tortoise and hare to describe the agony of her marriage. With her cynical view Mrs. Aesop shows to her, the fable is nothing more than the reflection of a terrible marriage. When Mrs. Aesop says â€Å"I’ll cut off your tail, all right, I said, to save my face.†this is another reference to her own suppression by her husband and many other wives. This is so because the line alludes to an incident in America in 1993 when a frustrated wife sliced off her husband’s genitals in a moment of crazed revenge. Mrs. Aesop takes on a similar path to gain the upper hand on her husband, by disrespecting and revealing her true feelings about her husband. Allusions are a key literary device used to show Mrs. Aesop’s transition from a â€Å"traditional†oppressed wife to a dominant, independent woman.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and Powerpoint in the Business Enviornment.
In most work environments, Microsoft Office Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are being used on a daily basis. From being a Loan officer to a front desk cashier these three apps are very helpful in our work place. Microsoft Word is good with writing business letters and business cards, Excel is good with making spreadsheets or charts for your business, and lastly, PowerPoint is good with making presentation audio and visually. In the following paragraphs below I will explain why these three are most helpful and useful in the work place. For one, Microsoft Office Word is mostly used to writing business letters to their clients. From one paragraph or 4 pages it’s where they will have their letter written up and printed. There are also different tools like spell check and grammar, formatting tab, paragraph selection and etc. that also become useful. Business cards can also be used on Microsoft Word and then printed out which also is being used in the work place environment. (office Microsoft) Secondly, Microsoft Excel is mostly used because of its layout and widespread availability, it is often used as a tool to create and maintain a list. More users use it to store database records, create charts or graphs. A lot of organization uses excel to manage their budgets, business planning, customers records, business intelligence, analysis of sales data, customer data, performance dashboard, etc. (advanced excel) Lastly, Microsoft PowerPoint presentations utilize both audio and visual techniques, making for easier understanding. Normal teaching and training is interactive and more effective by using PowerPoint presentations instead of simple lectures. Many executives and managers use PowerPoint for this reason. Executives use this as a strategy to increase sales. Using PowerPoint in front of a potential client shows that you are up with the time. Plus, projecting charts that all can see also makes the presentation more interactive for the client. (powerpoints and apps) So all in all I hope you find Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint useful in the work place. Not only will it help you and your business be successful but also have that professionalism. ? Reference Microsoft office np November 1, 2011< http://www. baycongroup. com/powerpoint> Baptiste, Jason np November 1, 2011 < http://jasonlbaptiste. com/startups/microsoft-excel>
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Get My IP With Delphi Programming
Get My IP With Delphi Programming Internet this and internet that. Everybody wants to be on the internet nowadays. Everyone wants to program internet nowadays. One of the most interesting tasks when starting to code for the internet is how to obtain the IP address of a computer connected to the internet. IP? TCP? Simply technical: the internet is built on TCP/IP connections. The TCP part describes how two computers set up a connection to each other and transfer data. The IP part primarily deals with how to get a message routed across the internet. Each connected machine has a unique IP address that allows others to figure out a path to any computer around the world wide web (or the world precisely). Uses Winsock To obtain the IP address of the computer you are using when connected to the internet, we need to call some of the API functions *defined* in the Winsock unit. Well create a GetIPFromHost function that calls several Winsock API functions in order to get the IP. Before we can even use WinSock functions, we must have a valid session. This session is created with the WinSock WSAStartup function. At the end of our function, a call to SAC leanup is made in order to terminate the use of the Windows Sockets APIs. To obtain the computers IP address, we must use GetHostByName in conjunction with GetHostName. Each computer is called a host and we can get the hostname with a special function call: GetHostName. We then use GetHostByName to get the IP-address, related to this hostname. Get IP Delphi.Project.Code Start Delphi and place one Button and two Edit boxes on a newly created Form. Add the GetIPFromHost function to the implementation part of your unit and assign the following code to the OnClick event handler of a button (below): uses Winsock; function GetIPFromHost(var HostName, IPaddr, WSAErr: string): Boolean; type Name array[0..100] of Char; PName ^Name; var HEnt: pHostEnt; HName: PName; WSAData: TWSAData; i: Integer; begin Result : False; if WSAStartup($0101, WSAData) 0 then begin WSAErr : Winsock is not responding.; Exit; end; IPaddr : ; New(HName); if GetHostName(HName^, SizeOf(Name)) 0 thenbegin HostName : StrPas(HName^); HEnt : GetHostByName(HName^); for i : 0 to HEnt^.h_length - 1 do IPaddr : Concat(IPaddr, IntToStr(Ord(HEnt^.h_addr_list^[i])) .); SetLength(IPaddr, Length(IPaddr) - 1); Result : True; end else begin case WSAGetLastError of WSANOTINITIALISED:WSAErr:WSANotInitialised; WSAENETDOWN :WSAErr:WSAENetDown; WSAEINPROGRESS :WSAErr:WSAEInProgress; end; end; Dispose(HName); WSACleanup; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Host, IP, Err: string; begin if GetIPFromHost(Host, IP, Err) then begin Edit1.Text : Host; Edit2.Text : IP; end else M essageDlg(Err, mtError, [mbOk], 0); end;
Monday, November 4, 2019
Hybrid Car Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Hybrid Car - Essay Example Another obvious advantage of a hybrid car is that it saves on gas. Using Hybrid cars, helps one save out on gas money as he doesn’t have to travel for long and can go for several miles by consuming relatively less fuel.Another Incentive of Owning a Hybrid car is that it helps reduce tax. In  January 2006, in accordance with the new Energy Policy Act, the federal government began awarding unprecedented tax credits to consumers who bought hybrid cars. Although they are gaining popularity slowly and steadily, they are still not completely successful. This is because the hybrid cars, like the Toyota Prius have received mixed reaction. The hybrid-electric car uses a battery and electric engine to increase gas mileage, to bring down emissions and fuel consumption. On the outskirts of it, it seems like these cars are better for the environment. However, if the cost of manufacturing is considered, The car is not a new invention. The history behind the car shows, how the entire idea of hybrid car was introduced. It was then scrapped due to efficiency constraints and Petroleum powered counterparts. The hybrid car came into being centuries ago. The first of the Hybid Vehicles was an Electricity powered Carriage created by Robert Anderson of Scotland. However, USA had already started taking interest in the these vehicles in the 1880s when the Electric Tricycle was created. By 1897, USA introduced its first Fleet of Electrically driven taxis, and by 1900, its was enjoying it’s the prosperity and popularity of the vehicles. The vehicles has all the attributes that diesel powered vehicles did not.  The electric vehicle was the preferred choice of many because it did not require a lot of manual effort to start, There were also no problems with a gear shifter. The Vehicles did not pollute the environment as they did not use diesel. They did not have a bad odor or the tendency to vibrate violently. And although the steam
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Social Stratification, Race, and Gender Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Social Stratification, Race, and Gender - Essay Example For instance, I observed a couple laughing heartily when the elevator door opened but as soon as they go into the elevator the stopped laughing. Additionally, contrary to my earlier expectations, the female was standing quite close to the male which to me indicated a degree of comfort and intimacy. However, as soon as they got to the first floor (where they stepped off the elevator) they were laughing loudly again. This sudden break in laughter was one observed point which clarified to me that as soon as individuals get into an elevator their behavior changes in obvious ways. A second observation supports this idea since I was waiting for the elevator with a man who was listening to music through his MP3 player. As we were waiting I could observe him bobbin his head and tapping his feet (I presume it was done in time with the music) but as soon as the elevator doors opened he stopped his ‘dance’. In fact, while he and I were taking the elevator to go down, he did not resume dancing. I could not be sure of when he did resume the activity since he and I went our separate ways. Another thing which I observed was the way people deal with their appendages in an elevator. If a person is leaning against one of the walls of the elevator their legs would normally be crossed but only if the elevator is relatively empty. On the other hand, in a crowded elevator everyone stands up straight. Of course there is no rule for or against leaning with the wall but it is clear that the social norms which recommend that we make room for others are applicable in this case. Finally, I think there might be a gender difference in how people behave in elevators since I saw quite a few women fold their arms while taking an elevator ride. On the other hand, I frequently spotted men with their hands in their pockets as the elevator went up or down. I am not sure if
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Abortion In The United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Abortion In The United States - Essay Example Statistics suggest that 50 percent of all women opting for abortion, in the United States, fall in the age group of below twenty-five years of age and 66 percent of all abortions are performed on women who have been never-married. Women under the age of twenty-five or even younger are far less likely to have sufficient means to sustain themselves much less, have the resources to look after their yet unborn child. Giving birth further increases the burden on the mother to provide for the child and in the absence of adequate financial and social means, the life and well-being of both - the mother and the child could be threatened thus causing more harm than good in the long run. The debate on abortion is subject to a range of philosophical as well as constitutional deficiencies, which often threaten to push the subject into a potential gray market of even more complex choices. The advocates of equal rights for both the genders suggest that equal rights include the right to choose and m ake decisions concerning their own health and safety, which in case of women includes abortion. Graber suggests that preventing women from making such choices that may directly affect their well-being amounts to preventing them access to basic civil rights. It is similar to preventing a section of society from accessing education, or a certain type of food of their choice. For some, relinquishing the food of their choice may be an easier alternative than having to debate over choices that directly affect their own health.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Case Study in Comuter Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Case Study in Comuter Security - Essay Example It provides consistent approaches for the applications that could be running on the organizations or within the internet cloud. Advantages and disadvantages STS can simplify authentication logic especially for every individual software applications. It makes it possible for applications to identify certain aspects about the users even without interrogating the user. It simplifies authentication processes for user. The major disadvantage is confusion in the term and concepts. It requires substantial skills to use the application and it is costly to install and use. Claims-based identity could be used by the Metropolitan Police Service as a way of applications for acquiring identity information required for every individual working for the police service within the area. The administrators could establish and acquire all MPS users’ identity information. MPS could find this technology useful since it provides an approach, which is consistent for the applications that are running on the Metropolitan Police Service premises as well as in the internet cloud. ... s The Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is used in managing multiple identities in different roles within the police service Advantages and disadvantages It is advantageous in that it allows role associations that can be created when new operations are started and old associations are done away with. It is also advantageous in terms of its ability to control privileges at an individual level. The technology is technical and costly to adopt. Application The Metropolitan Police Services can utilize this technology for a successful operation of its activities without comprising the security of sensitive information in the police service. Recommendation I would recommend the use of the claims-based identity technology because it has more potential grounds in preventing multiple identities. It has potential to make authentication logic simpler for every individual software application. In this case, the applications do not require the provision of account creation mechanisms, password crea tion, or even reset. Again, there is hardly any need to interrogate user to determine certain information since the technology can establish certain aspects about the user. Answer to Question 2 Role In the world of information technology, there is an important need to strengthen user authentication in order to keep hackers and such kind of people at bay and there different ways to validate the identity of a user which do have distinct levels of security (Douligeris 2007, p.173). The single factor authentication involves simple identifications like a badge that is used to access a door or a building that is potentially fairly secure but may be prone to failures such as problems of passwords. Biometrics is highly used as a secure and very convenient authentication tool. This tool can hardly
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Gun Ownership And Gun Culture In Usa Criminology Essay
Gun Ownership And Gun Culture In Usa Criminology Essay Use and ownership of guns requires strict regulation by the government to prevent any form of misuse. Policies on possession of firearms especially guns in USA differs from those of Canada. These policies dictate ownership and use of guns in the community. Statistics indicate that almost seventy five percent of US families are in possession of licensed guns. This is contrary to families in Canada who have minimal and regulated possession of guns. In Canada, strict measures are in place to control possession and use of guns in the society. Increased rate in possession of guns have got massive effects in moral, social and economical aspect of life in USA and Canada. The main reason for licensed possession of guns is for security matters. In some cases, the guns can be used for hunting expedition in the line of spirit of adventure. Therefore, policies on gun possession should be highly restrictive and directive to curb any form of misuse. This has not been the case in various states suc h as Chicago. Recently there has been an increase in crimes among the youth aged below twenty six years of age. Research has indicated that policies on gun possession have been violated in US many times, which has made teenagers, engage in violent acts such as murder. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of gun ownership and gun culture in USA as compared to Canada. Effects of gun ownership and gun culture Statistics indicate that American people have the highest ownership rate of guns worldwide. This is because of high population and liberal laws on gun ownership and culture. The increasing insecurity levels and gun privatization have seen the rate of gun possession escalate every year. There has been a debate to amend gun laws, which will result to maximum control of gun use and ownership. Majority of private gun owners are against the motion as this will interfere with their daily activities such as game hunting. Gun culture in United States has changed over time. This is because the formation of illegal gangs in various states such as Chicago has led to misuse of guns. Recent cases of shooting of school students by members of various gangs reflect the impact of guns misuse in the society. Freedom to own guns among the youth have significantly increased the occurrences of violent acts, murder and social immoralities. This is because as shown in Chicago state, member of the gangs use firearms for protection and to enhance successful drug market dominance. Violent acts arise as a result of confrontation among different gang members based on racial aspects. Blacks and Latino minority groups in US are highly affected groups. Case study conducted in various states of America indicates that poverty and illiteracy are the major contributing factors to misuse of guns. On the other hand, media outlets have been blamed for instigating violent acts through violent online video gaming and movies. The target groups are mainly the young people who lack moral guidance, thus end up experimenting and aping violent acts through shooting of innocent people. In Canada, gun ownership and culture has been under control through the registration process. The law stipulates that possession of firearms by individuals such as hand guns must be registered to facilitate effective control. It is through adoption of such gun culture that has significantly reduced negative effects of gun ownership in Canada. The government is fully committed to regulating the rate of ownership of guns to prevent the occurrence of violent acts such as murder. Canadian firearm program main objective is to facilitate effective licensing of guns to private owners through assessment process. Each private owner of gun must undertake safety education to curb misuse. In Canada, prohibitions of guns, which can be used for mass destruction, are prohibited. It is through implementation of gun control policies in Canada that have led to reduction of crime rates in various regions of the country. In addition, through possession of licensed guns and effective use of the same guns , security level has improved in Canada. Gun culture in Canada is different from that of US based on reason for the acquisition. In US, gun ownership is viewed as a symbol of prestige and power while in Canada is strictly for security and spirit of adventure. In the movie Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore, effects of gun ownership and culture is clearly reflected in a negative way. This is because guns have been used to carry out massive murder among students. Group and isolated murder cases are on the rise in US majority of which are executed through the use of guns. The campaign for gun ownership in US has increased interests among the young people. Furthermore, drug cartels and gang formation are strengthened by acquisition of guns among the young people aged below twenty five years. The federal government has been faced with challenges of eliminating violent acts in the major streets as a result of gun ownership. Increased school dropouts and lack of parental guidance in matters of discipline have also resulted to increase in crime rate in the society. In addition, low standards of living among the minority groups have led to the creation of illegal groupings with an objective of trafficking drugs and firearms. In many parts of U S, guns are associated with power and dominance. This has led to the emergence of social immoralities such as prostitution and drug abuse. There have been culture shift in Canada in terms of gun ownership, which advocate on controlled use and registration. Crime rates have reduced over years as a result of government intervention and awareness creation on the issue. This is contrary to the culture in US as the majority of people views that it is right for each citizen to own a gun without state interference. Misuse of guns is associated with various factors such as alcoholism, drug addiction, indiscipline and violent attitude among the young people. Conclusion Statistics postulates that both Canada and USA have the highest ownership of guns. The only difference is the mode of control whereby Canada has structured program on the issue that regulate misuse and ownership of guns. Cultural differences play a significant role in control of gun ownership and use as depicted in Canada. Inadequate cooperation from the populace and the law enforcers in regulating misuse of guns has resulted to prevalence in crime and violent acts in US. To prevent such crimes, amendment of firearms policies should be conducted to incorporate massive federal control in gun ownership. Adoption of Canadian model in gun ownership and culture in US will significantly reduce violent acts among the youth.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Living in a Multicultural Society Essay example -- social issues, mult
The class activity was simple: draw a self-portrait. As Ms. Caldera began to look through her students' work, one stood out to her. The drawing was of a young fair-skinned, blond-hair, and blue-eyed girl. Normally this would not be a problem, but in this case it was. The girl who had drawn herself was actually quite the opposite: rich dark skin, brown hair, and brown eyes (Caldera). Considering that the United States is such a large melting pot of cultures, it is normal for children to have difficulty balancing between two cultures. Culture, is really important for a child's development because it ultimately influences their morals and values. Although it is difficult for children to balance the traditions and such of two cultures, they are recompensed with a greater knowledge about the world, and understanding of people. Culture is very important when it comes to shaping a person's beliefs and what they stand for, it will basically determine many of their decisions. In specific, children form their behaviors based on their culture, which leads to different customs and beliefs because of the variety of cultures. Different cultures express different character traits in a person; this can lead to the development and prevalence of a child (Culture). Although the United States consists of a shared core culture, it also consists of many other minor cultures; because of this there are many different characteristics, values, and norms that might be interpreted differently by other cultures. Consequently, this can cause cultural misunderstandings, conflict, and discrimination which also leads to an imbalance for children because they do not know what is acceptable in certain cultures. Banks acknowledges that â€Å"Multicultural educ... ... Banks, James and Cherry Banks. Multicultural Education. John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2004. Print Caldera, Araceli. Personal Interview. English Language Program Facilitator. 14 June 2015. â€Å"Constructing Race.†Signs of Life in the USA. 2009 ed. Print. â€Å"Culture.†Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development. 2012 ed. Web. 10 June 2015. Davidman, Leonard and Patricia T. Davidman. Teaching with a Multicultural Perspective. New York: Longman, 1997. Print. Grosjean, Francois. â€Å"Advantages of Being Bicultural.†Psychology Today. 19 Apr. 2013. Print. McCarthy, Steve. â€Å"Understanding Bilingualism: What it Means to Be Bicultural.†Childreaserch.net. 2 Jan. 2010. Web. 8 June 2015. Parrish, Patrick, and Jennifer A. Linder-VanBerschot. â€Å"Addressing the Challenges of MulticulturalInstruction.†Cultural Dimensions of Learning 11.2 (2010): 10 pgs. Web. 8 June 2015.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Employers Get Tough on Health
Kayli Tipps Employers Get Tough on Health The article entitled â€Å"Employers Get Tough on Health†is printed by the Chicago Tribune September 24, 2007 and it addresses how some companies in America are now choosing whether you get hired or keep your job based on your personal behavior and lifestyle habits such as smoking or eating high fat meals. In the reading the Article states â€Å"the rules of the work place are changing†and you should be informed of those changes so you can be a likely candidate to get hired if applying for a new job at these companies.I will tell you how they are testing to see if you make â€Å"bad†lifestyle choices and also how it may affect whether you qualify for health insurance or your job at these companies. The company known as Weyco Inc. in Michigan is who the article is about. This Company drew national attention in 2005 when it fired four employees who used tobacco. Weyco performs random testing every three months, usually o f about 30 workers.The workers are supposed to breath into a breathalyzer-like device that measures carbon-monoxide levels. So if the level is high then they are given a urine test and if they fail they will be dismissed. This is a scary idea to those who might smoke. Also I need to mention that you should say goodbye to the days of high-fat meals because Weyco can also regulate your blood pressure, body mass and glucose levels.The requirements embraced by a growing number of companies are setting privacy aside and raising questions about who will qualify for health insurance and more importantly employment. Like some of the employees you may be wondering if these new rules are illegal. According to Gary Climes, vice president of Meritain Health Michigan, who owns Weyco, stated that the firings do not violate Michigan law and that the 150 employees at the company have accepted the rules. It really comes down to a personal choice as far as do you want to be employed here,†Clim es said. Since 2005 when Weyco instituted the wellness policy that includes the smoking ban, health insurance costs have increased by only 2 percent which is below the national average. So you now should be worried because personal behavior and lifestyle habits, those unrelated to work, are now fair game for employers determined to cut health care costs.The Article is very informative and gives detailed reports on the testing and how you could potentially be â€Å"dismissed†if you fail one of the tests. Also the article is expressing to you how you should rethink the junk food you have been eating or the cigarette you are about to smoke. Although thousands of employees have put in place incentives for their workers to live healthier lifestyles, the great numbers of employers have not yet embraced the act to penalize workers who don’t satisfy medical and behavioral rules.Although you should really try to take steps to better yourself and use this article as a little pu sh even if you don’t live in Michigan because punitive measures are gaining a foothold in the workplace. I recommend this article to anyone who is currently looking for a job to get these ideas flowing in your head because even if the company you’re working for isn’t testing you or firing people for smoking you should still be aware that they look at your habits.The most important aspect you should have in the work place in presentation in your effort and in yourself. I found this article very informative because I had no idea that businesses even started testing people to see if they smoke or cared that you smoked at all. Although some things may be out of your immediate control such as high blood pressure and glucose levels, you can take measures to improve your health in the long run with choosing a healthier lifestyle, not only for yourself but for your job.
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